Surry County Most Wanted | Mt. Airy News

2022-09-18 21:59:49 By : Ms. Fannie Fang

The Surry County Community Corrections office is seeking information on the whereabouts of the following individuals:

• Timothy Michael Hayes, 44, a white male wanted on a post-release warrant and a felony warrant for interfering with an electronic monitoring device. He is on probation for two counts trafficking methamphetamine, possession of a firearm by a felon and use/possession of drug paraphernalia;

• Samuel Casey Jenkins, 24, a white male wanted for failing to appear in court on probation violations who is on probation for driving while impaired;

• Filiberto Ramirez Gasca, 58, a Hispanic male wanted on probation violations who is on probation for resisting a public officer and second degree trespass;

• Franklin Dale Davis, 48, a white male wanted for failing to appear in court on probation violations who is on probation for larceny and breaking and entering.

View all probation absconders on the internet at and click on absconders. Anyone with information on any probation absconders should contact Crime Stoppers at 786-4000, county probation at 719-2705 or the Mount Airy Police Department at 786-3535.

Autumn growing nearer every day

Sgt. Greg McCormick and his senior cadets, from Surry Central High School, visited Dobson Elementary School recently to teach the fifth grade class about the significance of the U.S. flag, and how to handle it respectfully.

The cadets also demonstrated how to fold the flag properly. After that, they broke up into groups and let the students practice folding in sets of four so that everyone got a turn. Sgt. McCormick then had four student volunteers fly, draw, and fold the flag as a closeout to the instruction.

”The students loved the experience of handling the flag and learning how to fold it properly,” school officials said.

The following marriage licenses were issued in Surry County:

– Steven Ray Jackson, 25, of Surry County to Cheyanne Renee Boyd, 20, of Surry County.

– Curtis James Spears, 35, of Surry County to Alana Lee Harris, 26, of Surry County.

– Noah Bradley Nix, 21, of Stokes County to Alexandria Faith Reavis, 22, of Stokes County.

– Carl Marion Haynes, 46, of Surry County to Pearly Mae Wright, 41, of Surry County.

– Vicente Santana Trujillo, 36, of Surry County to Juliana Gonzalez Garcia, 33, of Surry County.

– Dylan Hunter Darnell, 25, of Carroll County, Virginia, to Gina Brooke Rotenizer, 26, of Carroll County.

– Jose Ramon Barrios Morales, 32, of Surry County to Jacqueline Puntos Martinez, 27, of Surry County.

– Damon Charles Camp, 26, of Surry County to Brandy Nicole Collins, 26, of Surry County.

– Cesar Emmanuel Pena, 29, of Yadkin County to Kenia Campos, 30, of Yadkin County.

– Freddie Tara Vanhoy, 67, of Surry County to Becky Jane Flowers, 68, of Wilkes County.

– Rickie Gray Hunter, 69, of Surry County to Vickie Lynn Gwaltney, 63, of Surry County.

– Michael Lee Pff, 56, of Roanoke County, Virginia, to Ambre Michelle Dickerson, 57, of Roanoke County.

– Austin Paul Jarrell, 23, of Surry County to Emma Margaret Nichols, 23, of Surry County.

– Griffin Wyatt Hardy, 23, of Surry County to Kathryn Grace Dalton, 23, of Surry County.

– Austin Garrett Scott, 28, of Virginia Beach, Virginia to Molly Renee Slater, 23, of Forsyth County.

– Adam Dean Atkins, 43, of Surry County to Kristi Annette Bourne, 45, of Surry County.

– Dakota Lee Smith, 23, of Stokes County to Kaley Brooke White, 24, of Surry County.

The Surry County Community Corrections office is seeking information on the whereabouts of the following individuals:

• Timothy Michael Hayes, 44, a white male wanted on a post-release warrant and a felony warrant for interfering with an electronic monitoring device. He is on probation for two counts trafficking methamphetamine, possession of a firearm by a felon and use/possession of drug paraphernalia;

• Samuel Casey Jenkins, 24, a white male wanted for failing to appear in court on probation violations who is on probation for driving while impaired;

• Filiberto Ramirez Gasca, 58, a Hispanic male wanted on probation violations who is on probation for resisting a public officer and second degree trespass;

• Franklin Dale Davis, 48, a white male wanted for failing to appear in court on probation violations who is on probation for larceny and breaking and entering.

View all probation absconders on the internet at and click on absconders. Anyone with information on any probation absconders should contact Crime Stoppers at 786-4000, county probation at 719-2705 or the Mount Airy Police Department at 786-3535.

The lore of September thunder

Thunder in September is not all that rare and with the weather being less humid, most thunder does not produce gusty thunderstorms, but thunder in September can still be heard when the temperature is warm. Usually when thunder is heard in September, a lot of rain comes with it but not much in the pattern of thunderstorms. There is a bit of lore concerning thunder in September as a sign of abundance of fruits and vegetables next year. Here’s to hoping for some September thunder.

The harvest of autumn leaves has begun

Don’t let the leaves of autumn go to waste and please do not burn them but recycle them for compost, leaf mulch and a blanket for protecting cold weather vegetables. The leaves can be blown to the garden and run over by the lawnmower to break them down for the compost pile or bin. Crushed leaves make a protective blanket for rose bushes, azaleas and bulb beds. Crushed leaves can be placed between rows of collards, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and greens. Stay ahead of the leaves during the days of autumn. You can crush them by running the mower over them or run them through the leaf vacuum and place them in a pile to use in the spring garden plot. When you crush them, the wind will not get under them and blow them around.

Grass clippings filled with nitrogen and heat

September grass clippings are filled with nitrogen and other heat-building nutrients. Save them for making compost piles and bins heat up. Mix them with piles of leaves to help break them down. Keep saving the clippings all the way until a hard November freeze that will cause grass to become dormant. They are one of nature’s best resources.

Slowdown of the last summer crops

All that remains of the summer vegetables in the garden plot are late tomatoes and peppers. The nip in the September air has slowed them down. The tomatoes are slowing down and still have plenty of green ones developing to be harvested before Jack Frost arrives.

Time to set out a row or bed of onion sets

As we reach the middle of September, onion sets are showing up in hardwares and garden centers, and a row or bed can now be set out in the autumn garden plot. You can choose from red, yellow, or white sets. Onion sets are tough and will endure the harshness of winter and produce all the way into early spring. A pound of sets costs around $3. Sow them in a furrow four inches deep. Place a layer of peat moss in the bottom of the furrow and set the onions with the root side down and about three inches apart. Cover with another layer of peat moss and an application of Garden-Tone organic vegetable food. Hill up soil on both sides of the furrow and tamp down with the hoe blade for good soil contact. They will sprout in about two weeks. In October, cover between the rows with a layer of crushed leaves. Feed with Alaska fish emulsion mixed with proper amount of water in a sprinkling can according to instructions on the bottle. Feed onions once a month. You can also side dress with Garden-Tone organic vegetable food and hill up soil on both sides of the row.

Outside critters trying to winter over

The days are growing shorter and the nights are getting cooler and this is a hint to insects and creepy crawlers to find a warm place to spend winter such as in your home or basement. They are seeking a dry place to spend winter and now is the time they are looking for opportunity to gain entrance to your house. You can prevent them from gaining entrance by spraying around all door ways and porches as well as carports. If you have a wood pile spray around it and also around basement doors and around basement walls. Don’t leave any food or scraps outside that could attract the critters. Open and shut doors quickly when coming and going outside.

Plenty of colors in autumn leaves

As September reaches its middle, the leaves have been putting on a show of color. Some of the trees are now unloading their harvest of leaves. The maples and dogwoods are the first to lose their leaves followed by hickories and poplars. Last to go are the mighty oaks and many of their leaves will remain until Thanksgiving while the remainder of their leaves will linger until a heavy snowfall brings them down.

Heat as the season changes cooler

The furnace will be in season for the next six months as we make the transition from summer into autumn and winter. You can make your furnace work less by keeping the thermostat on a uniform, comfortable setting without moving the setting up and down. You should also clean or change the filter on the furnace once each month, open and close outside entrances quickly. Keep blinds and drapes closed at night. Make sure all doors and closets and cabinets are closed. Wear warmer clothing while in the house. Prepare food in the oven so that the heat from the oven will make the kitchen comfortable as well as the surrounding areas. Educate the kids to open and shut doors quickly when coming in and going out of the house.

Still time to set out spring bulbs

There is still a little more than a month to set out the flowering bulbs of early spring. The soil is workable and hardwares, nurseries, and garden centers still have plenty of bulbs in stock. Buy only bulbs in mesh bags or individual bins so that you can feel and inspect bulbs for rot, or mold. You can choose from hyacinth, crocus, daffodils, narcissus jonquils, tulips and snow drops. Buy a bag of bone meal or bulb booster to promote growth. Another useful tool for setting out bulbs is a durable bulb planter made of heavy duty steel that will last for many seasons. Spend the extra money and buy a tough one that will last. You get what you pay for.

The humming birds winding down season

Mid-September and the humming birds are preparing to move south in just two weeks or so. They are still visiting the feeders often as summer flowers continually fade out. Keep feeders out for as long as you see the hummers. The nectar you provide is important for the next few weeks. This will help them as they prepare for one of the natural wonders of the world, a trip across the Gulf of Mexico where they will spend winter and return to us next spring.

Making a pot of sweet and sour beef stew

This is a great dish on a nippy September evening. It is actually a meal in one pot. You will need one fourth cup of plain flour, one teaspoon salt, half teaspoon pepper, one and a half pounds stew beef, half cup Crisco cooking oil, one cup water, half cup light brown sugar, one fourth cup apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, one envelope Beefy onion Recipe Secrets, two diced potatoes, three diced carrots, half teaspoon salt. Combine flour, one teaspoon salt and half teaspoon pepper and coat stew beef with the flour mixture. In a frying pan, brown the stew beef on all sides in the Crisco oil. Combine the water, half cup catsup, light brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and the second half teaspoon of salt. Boil over low heat until stew beef is tender. Boil the diced carrots and potatoes, drain and add the Beefy onion Recipe Secrets and one stick light margarine. Cook for one minute and add to beef stew mixture and boil on low heat for two minutes. Serve with a bowl of Minute Rice.

The beginning of apple season

There is a lot of color adorning fruit markets and produce stands as well as supermarkets as the season of the apple harvest begins. Apples come in varied colors of red, green, yellow, pink, and other mixed colors. Apples have a long shelf life and will last for weeks in the refrigerator or in a bowl on the dining room table. Apples are one of those special fruits that are available all year round but especially at this season of year.

Making an old fashioned apple pudding

For this pudding, you will need ten fresh apples, two cups buttermilk, two large beaten eggs, two cups light brown sugar, one cup sweet milk, two teaspoons apple pie spices, two cups plain flour, one teaspoon salt, two sticks light margarine (melted), and tablespoon vanilla flavoring. Peel the apples and cut into one inch chunks (make sure you have enough apples for at least two quarts). Add the buttermilk, beaten eggs, sweet milk, apple pie spices, flour, one teaspoon of baking soda and melted margarine (all in the order listed). Pour into a 13×9×2 inch baking pan or dish. If you have more than enough apple pie filling, use another pan. Spray pan with Pam baking spray and bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes.

“Mouse in the house?” Wife: “Jack wake up! There’s a mouse in the room, I heard him squeaking.” Husband: “What do you want me to do? Get up and oil him!”

“Unsure.” The man was fleeing down the hall of the hospital just before his operation. “What’s the matter?” he was asked. He said, “I heard the nurse say ‘It’s a very simple operation everything will be alright.’” “She was just trying to comfort you, why are you so frightened about that?” The patient said, “She wasn’t talking to me, she was talking to the doctor.”

“Second opinion.” For years, he thought he was a failure. Then he took a course on positive thinking. Now he is positive that he is a failure.

“Speedo.” State Patrol man: “I clocked you doing 85 miles per hour, friend, is anything wrong?” Motorist: “Yes, officer, I forgot to connect my radar detector!”

While the timeline for a project to bring a Marriott hotel to downtown Mount Airy has been expanded 12 months from the original schedule, city officials seem as confident as ever about it reaching fruition.

The Mount Airy Board of Commissioners voted unanimously Thursday night to approve an extended development agreement between the municipality and Sunhouse Hospitality LLC of Cary.

Plans have been in the works by Sunhouse since late 2020 to transform the large, four-story Sparger Building on the former Spencer’s textile mill property on Willow Street into the new lodging establishment. The plan also has included developing a market center nearby.

City Attorney Hugh Campbell explained during Thursday night’s meeting that certain “slippages” or delays have occurred which prompted the revised timetable.

“There are lots of reasons why,” Campbell said, adding that these have been out of the municipality’s control.

One has involved the time needed for state and federal review of a Sunhouse application for historic mill tax credits to aid the project, which act to preserve the existing architecture.

Another delay is linked to a tremendous amount of time needed to work with Marriott, which paid off with that chain’s decision to enter into an agreement with Sunhouse to locate one of its highly regarded Tribute hotels in the Sparger Building.

“This should be the first Tribute hotel in North Carolina and the first full-service hotel in Surry County,” local Main Street Coordinator Lizzie Morrison said during a presentation at Thursday night’s meeting on the overall progress of the Spencer’s redevelopment.

Morrison called the coming of the boutique hotel a “compliment” to the viability of downtown Mount Airy from Marriott’s point of view.

The apparently unavoidable delays have not dampened enthusiasm among local officials, according to Campbell.

“We still feel like we’re in a good partnership with these developers,” the city attorney said.

Under the revised timeline, initial work on the Sparger Building is set to occur in early 2023 to next summer.

General hotel construction by the local J.G. Coram firm and completion of site work is planned from the summer of 2023 to early 2025, with the lodging establishment slated to open in the spring of that year.

This will be a shining star for the Spencer’s redevelopment, which has been in the works since the former industrial property was bought by the city government in May 2014.

The Spencer’s transformation has experienced its share of ups and downs over the years, while achieving successes including the building of the 65-unit Spencer’s Mill Apartments adjacent to the Sparger Building which have a long waiting list.

And the extension of the Sunhouse development timetable for the hotel should not be viewed as a sign that it will meet the same fate as earlier plans for a Barter Theatre expansion and hotel on the property that were abandoned.

“It’s my understanding they have spent a sizable amount of money to get the Marriott franchise,” Mayor Ron Niland said Thursday night of Sunhouse, adding that this figure — required up front — is between $700,000 and $1 million.

“They’ve got quite an amount of skin in the game,” Niland added in regard to how a company would not abandon a project with such an investment having been made so far.

City Manager Stan Farmer agreed.

“With their signing of the agreement with Marriott, it almost guarantees they can’t walk away,” he said.

Even so, certain performance milestones have been inserted into the extended development agreement which Sunhouse is expected to meet before January.

These included lining up financing for the project and the completion of architectural drawings for the hotel.

The city attorney explained Friday afternoon that this is needed because the municipality will be doing some construction in the parking lot area near the building and officials wanted an assurance that Sunhouse will complete such steps before that work begins.

Sunhouse is scheduled to close next year on the purchase of the property it agreed to buy from the city for the project, according to the amended development agreement approved by city officials Thursday night, covering 36 pages.

• The execution of a search warrant at a local residence has led to felony drug charges against a Mount Airy man, according to city police reports.

Rodney Tyrone “Peter Rabbit” Travis, 48, of 509 Worth St., is accused of two counts of possession of cocaine and one count of possession of methamphetamine, along with possessing drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor. The case stems from a search at his home on Sept. 9, with police records indicating that marijuana also was found although no charge regarding that drug is listed on the arrest report.

Due to being in the presence of Kimberly Duncan at that location, Travis further is charged with violating a domestic violence protective order she had filed against him. He was jailed without privilege of bond and is scheduled to appear in Surry District Court next Wednesday.

• Two vehicles were discovered broken into on Sept. 7 at a residence in the 300 block of Willow Street, where the windshield of one received damage put at $100.

Popcorn was listed as the only item stolen in the incident targeting a Jeep Wrangler, which received the damage, and another vehicle that was not identified. The victims of the crime are listed as William Graham Pruitt and Jessica Kathryn Lawrence.

• A Sept. 2 traffic stop at the intersection of Linville Road and Riverside Drive led to felony drug and weapons charges against three individuals and their incarceration in the Surry County Jail.

This involved the deployment of a narcotics dog and a positive indication of drugs, prompting the search of a 2004 Ford Explorer and three people inside, which turned up methamphetamine and a handgun.

Both Kimberly Renee Snow, 33, of 122 East End Drive, and Cody Dwayne Holt, 31, of 5362 Westfield Road, were charged with possession of a Schedule II controlled substance, a felony, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Dylan James Goughary, 35, of Shelton, Connecticut, was charged with possession of a firearm by a felon and violating a domestic violence protective order. Goughary claimed ownership of the gun found during the search.

He was confined in the county jail without privilege of bond, with Snow and Goughary each held under a $1,000 secured bond.

All three are scheduled to be in Surry District Court on Sept. 28.

This week, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) released the first National Participation Survey in three years. The survey was suspended for two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic on high school athletic and activities programs across the country.

The data released saw a 4% drop in participation nationally from the 2018-19 survey to the data in the 2021-2022 survey. North Carolina specifically experienced a 9.1% decline in participation during that period, with a significant decline of 12.5% in women’s sports.

“As we look at the participation numbers from last year, it is obvious to us that we are still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NCHSAA Commissioner Que Tucker. “We believe that last year’s data indicates we may be encountering some lingering effects of the COVID-19 shortened season. Perhaps shorter seasons coupled with overlapping seasons may have contributed to a sharper decline in participation for North Carolina than we have seen in other states.”

While the NFHS Survey data did not include information from the 2019-20 or 2020-21 academic years, the NCHSAA did maintain participation during those years. The NCHSAA annually gathers participation data from member schools, submitted by the athletic director at each school during the fall, winter, and spring seasons.

The NCHSAA data for the two COVID-impacted years shows a significant adjustment in student participation trends. With sport seasons shortened, moved from their traditional time of the year, and in many cases, overlapping with other sports, the NCHSAA data from 2020-21 indicates many student-athletes chose to focus their participation, or not participate during the impacted season.

Examples of this impact include a 5000 student-athlete decline in football participation with nine schools not fielding a program in the sport. The Indoor Track season being cancelled saw over 11 thousand student athletes not participate in that sport for the 2020-21 academic year. Men’s Lacrosse saw a decline of 14 programs and 34.3% less student-athletes participate while the Women’s game experienced a decline of four programs and 22% of student athletes.

The NCHSAA data for 2021-22 show a 3700-student rebound in football, a 17.3% increase from 2020-21, with 11 programs returning to the field. Lacrosse experienced a similar return with all 14 men’s programs that did not field teams in the COVID year returning to play for 2021-22. The Men’s Lacrosse total participation numbers bounced back 895 students, increasing 32.7% from the COVID-shortened year. Women’s Lacrosse saw an increase of six teams and 299 students, up 13.7%.

Commissioner Que Tucker added, “We remain encouraged that student-athletes and their communities are returning to normal and continue to expect rebounds in participation at our member schools. We continue to believe that education-based athletic programs are tremendous enrichment opportunities for young people in our state’s schools and remain committed to ensuring those opportunities remain available for all young people across our state.”

The NCHSAA will have more information on participation trends in the coming weeks through the NCHSAA Website.

Full participation numbers can be found at

Christy Williams, a Mount Airy resident, is living her professional career’s credo of “Be The Change You Want to See in the World.”

A teacher in the Carroll County Public School system in Virginia, the start of Williams’ 28th year in the division was marked with the presentation of the Teacher of the Year 2022 award on Sept. 9 at Carroll County High School.

“Christy is a wonderful teacher. She’s a top-notch teacher and a top-notch person. Not just academically….she does so many other things for the welfare of the school,” said School Superintendent Dr. Mark Burnette. “She takes on so many things with the club sponsorships and everything she does….all of the things she does with the prom. She’s always been a member of the prom committee. She does a lot of extra things that make Carroll County High School what it is. To be in a job this long and to still love it as much is a testament to her. She has such a good relationship with the kids. You can see that in the classroom.”

William has served as drafting teacher at the high school since 1995. She has been married for 22 years to her husband, Mitch, who is a civil engineer and public works director for the City of Mount Airy, where they reside. The two have a son, Raleigh, and a daughter, Charlotte, who are both enrolled at Carroll County High School. According to information supplied by the division, they are a gaming family which spends quality time together on Mario Kart tracks or Animal Crossing islands.

She took drafting in high school after spending years watching her older brother draw plans on his drafting table at home. Williams quickly grasped that while she never considered herself artistic, with the right tools she could create realistic drawings of equipment and home plans with a pencil, a piece of paper and a few drafting tools.

Williams credits North Surry High School drafting teacher Melvin T. Jackson with kindling that vision by making the class fun and instructive, leading her to decide that Jackson had the dream job she wanted one day. That opportunity came in 1995 when college professor Bobby Shumaker called her to say he’d seen a drafting teacher job posted in the newspaper. It was a position left vacant when Burnette left that post to become an assistant principal. Williams has been with the division since then and said she has loved almost every minute of it.

“Oh my gosh you all, I am in shock. Oh my gosh, thank you so much.” Williams gushed as central office workers, high school and others surprised her in the classroom that morning with her award.

She recalled her first days in Carroll County, saying from the first time she walked into the school she felt like “I’m home.”

She fell so deeply in love with the school that when her former teacher, Jackson, retired from North Surry high School, he called her several times, trying to convince Williams to leave Carroll County and take his post there. Despite the fact that North Surry is a five-minute drive from her home, and Carroll County is 30 minutes, she couldn’t leave her present teaching home.

Williams’ many achievement including starting Motivational Monday videos where students are shown kindness expressed in various ways by everyday heroes. This sparked the creation of Intersession Class where students are taught how to manage stress and anxiety and that led to the AOK-Acts Of Kindness/Are You OK school club.

Williams is a member of the CCHS WOW committee where teachers come up with ideas to brighten the school and improve the mood of students and staff. Projects have included positive messages on restroom mirrors and outdoor sidewalks, decorating contests and a Friday the 13th activity where pennies are placed face up that day. Many examples of Williams’s students work are visible in the community with stickers, signs and banners made on the drafting lab’s vinyl cutter. Students have partnered with various businesses, churches and the Carroll County Board of Elections over the years to make parking signs and banners.

The Williamses are also locally known for a project straight from the movies. She and her husband involved students from the school’s drafting and engineering departments to create a real life replica of the Pizza Planet Truck from the film “Toy Story 4.” The truck has become a popular fixture at school and community events in the region. Williams also serves as the Skills USA advisor, which helps students with career planning and preparation.

David Broyles may be reached at 276-779-4013 or on Twitter@CarrollNewsDave

Surry Community College is offering two sections of Emergency Medical Responder classes beginning in October.

The first offering will start on Monday, Oct. 3, and will run through Monday, Nov. 28. Classes will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 10 p.m., with four additional Saturday meetings. This class will meet at the Center for Public Safety, 1220 State St., in Mount Airy. Those interested can register at

The second offering will start on Tuesday, Oct. 4, and will run through Thursday, Dec. 8. Classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 10 p.m., with four additional Saturday meetings. This class will meet at the Yadkin Campus, 1001 College Dr., in Yadkinville. Those interested can register at

This course is a 100-hour traditional EMR course intended for those who want to be first responders in local agencies. Students will learn the basics of emergency medical care from life-threatening medical conditions to major traumatic injuries. This course includes American Heart Association’s BLS/CPR certification, logistical operations of EMS, and basic anatomy/physiology. Students should finish with a foundation of and the abilities of providing the basics of emergency healthcare.

Pre-requisites include a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma; or successful completion of the T.A.B.E. assessment exam for basic reading and comprehension skills at the 10th-grade level. This test will be scheduled and given during course orientation.

For more information about SCC’s Emergency Medical Responder program, contact Kenneth Vaught at 336-386-3633 or The tuition is $183, plus associated books, tools and supplies.

While Mount Airy city school students did not have to start attending classes until Aug. 29, their teachers and faculty members had already been at it for a week, with all of them reporting to classrooms on Aug. 22.

At the conclusion of that first week for teachers, the staff gathered in the Mount Airy High School for gymnasium for the annual convocation.

“Convocation comes at the end of a busy week for staff. It’s the perfect opportunity for everyone to pause, check in with those around them, and get united district-wide on the year’s efforts to grow all students,” said Executive Officer of Communications Carrie Venable.

The event began in the Commons Area with breakfast provided by the school system’s School Nutrition Department and served by members of the Board of Education. Staff members migrated to the gym for the convocation gathering. Dressed in identical shirts, staff members greeted friends from other schools and took time to take pictures and capture the moment of another school year beginning.

Chairman of the school board Tim Matthews welcomed the crowd while Vice Chair Ben Cooke led the invocation. Cooke, whose sons graduated last year, credited the success they will have to teachers who impacted them throughout their years in the district.

The Melody Makers from Jones Intermediate School pumped the energy up by singing “Never Gonna Give Up” by Tony Memmel. Lyrics from the song went along with the year’s quote of “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up” by Jim Valvano that was also found on the back of staff shirts.

Superintendent Dr. Kim Morrison celebrated Principal of the Year Chelsy Payne while Dr. Phillip Brown, deputy superintendent, introduced the district’s Teacher of the Year Melissa Martin. Martin began making her way to the stage when former students ran across the gym to hug her before her speech. Once on stage, a video of her pictured with students from across her career began to play.

Martin spoke about the importance of forming relationships and paused when videos from former students began. Her multimedia presentation allowed her to speak to the importance of building relationships and also highlighted what those relationships mean to students and families.

Martin noted, “It is not the test scores, it is not the grades that I have given, it’s the relationships I have developed over the years that are truly the reason for any success I have as a teacher. You have to invest in relationships. Over 24 years of teaching, my investments have paid off and will continue to pay off long after I have retired.”

Next in the program was the introduction of new staff to the district along with individuals who had accepted new roles since last year.

Dr. Morrison then returned to the podium to share the year’s theme of “Create a winning culture — don’t give up. Don’t ever give up!” She kicked off her time with a drone video of each campus shot by Garrett Howlett that had a variety of quotes from well-known, successful coaches and players rotating throughout.

Morrison asked, “What is winning for children? In the game of education, winning is ensuring that every child, every day is cared for, loved, and respected. Our job in education is to make sure every child is graduation ready every year.” She continued by sharing what Mount Airy City Schools knew was needed to have a winning year such as high expectations, clear communication, defined roles, and trusting members of the team.

Following the year’s theme and closing the ceremony was the announcement of the 2022 Wall of Leadership and Service honorees. Three graduates from Mount Airy High School were honored: Denny Shelton, Class of 1955; Phillip Riggs, Class of 1984; and Kirsten Parries Wright, Class of 2014. Each honoree was able to share moments and laughs with attendees while also encouraging teachers and staff to continue making a difference in the lives of students.

An alleged $110 million Ponzi scheme based in Georgia and New York — but with influence reaching all the way to Mount Airy — took another step toward resolution earlier this month for some of its victims.

Oppenheimer & Co., a New York-based brokerage and investment bank, was ordered to pay nearly $37 million in damages to 11 investors who lost money in the scheme, allegedly conducted by two firms under the control of John Woods, a Marietta, Georgia resident.

Woods, a long-time broker with Oppenheimer, had controlling interests in two other investment firms: Horizon Private Equity, III LLC, and Livingston Group Asset Management Company, doing business as Southport Capital.

Southport Capital had an office in Mount Airy, although it closed soon after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took action against Woods and his firms in August 2021. No one from the local firm acknowledged requests from The Mount Airy News for comment or information, but at the time of the SEC’s action, Woods was listed as the firm’s partner and senior investment advisor. Clay Parker was listed as president and CEO.

According to the SEC’s original complaint, filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in August 2021, the defendants raised more than $110 million from more than 400 investors in 20 states by offering and selling membership units in Horizon.

Woods, Southport, and other Southport investment advisers allegedly told investors – including many elderly retirees who feared the volatility of the stock market – that their Horizon investments were safe and would pay a fixed rate of return, and that investors could get their principal back without penalty after a short waiting period, according to the SEC filing.

According to the complaint, however, these statements were false and misleading: Horizon did not earn any significant profits from legitimate investments, and a large percentage of purported “returns” to earlier investors were simply paid out of new investor money. The complaint also alleges that Woods repeatedly lied to the SEC during regulatory examinations of Southport.

“Investors felt comfortable investing in Horizon in large part because of their relationships with advisers at Southport,” said Nekia Hackworth Jones, director of the SEC’s Atlanta Regional Office. “As alleged in the complaint, Woods and Southport preyed upon their clients’ fears of losing their hard-earned savings and convinced them to place millions of dollars into a Ponzi scheme by falsely promising them a safe investment with steady returns.”

Another SEC filing, from June 10 of this year, struck closer to home for area investors. That filing, in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, pointed the finger at three additional individuals, including a Mount Airy resident.

Penny Flippen, 59 at the time of the filing, of Mount Airy; Britt Wright, 49 at the time of filing, of Pfafftown, and Michael Mooney, 52 at the time of the filing, of Sarasota, Florida, were all implicated in the complaint. The three are alleged to have advised area investors to put a collective $62 million in the Horizon fund. According to that June 10 filing, the three are alleged to have told clients the money would be invested in safe securities such as government bonds, and would pay a guaranteed 6% to 8% return while posing no risk to the principle.

“…Horizon III was only able to pay the guaranteed returns to existing investors by raising and using new investor money,” that complaint alleges. “Horizon III did not earn any significant profits from legitimate investments; instead, a very large percentage of purported ‘returns’ to earlier investors were simply paid out of new investor money.”

The three were charged with multiple violations of federal securities laws, the SEC stated. That filing has yet to be resolved.

The more recent action, taken this month and settled by an arbitration panel in Atlanta on Sept. 5, orders Oppenheimer to pay $36.75 million to 13 claimants as part of the case. That award covers the money they allegedly lost, court and filing fees, as well as treble damages in some case, raising their award to as much as three times the money they lost.

According to an earlier complaint filed on their behalf in Georgia, Woods worked as an Oppenheimer investment advisor while allegedly running his Ponzi scheme, funneling customers — and their money — from Oppenheimer into his Horizon fund.

“Claimants are among more than 300 people victimized by the $110 million scheme,” the filing, by attorney John Chapman of Chapman – Albin LLC, alleged. “The SEC recently filed a complaint against Horizon and Woods and froze the Horizon fund and its assets. The SEC’s complaint alleges that Claimants have lost all, or substantially all, of their invested principal in Horizon. Respondent Oppenheimer failed utterly to discharge its duties. Claimants have suffered the consequences of Respondent’s failures,” the filing said in seeking the damages.

In the Georgia case, according to court filings there, several of the victims were led to believe Horizon was an investment vehicle approved by Oppenheimer, and part of Oppenheimer’s portfolio of investment funds.

“At all times relevant, Oppenheimer employed, held the securities license of, and was duty-bound to supervise the securities-related activities of its registered representative John Woods,” the Atlanta filing alleged in making the case for Oppenheimer to repay losses suffered by clients there. “Oppenheimer’s lax supervisory structure, in which brokers essentially supervise themselves, has led…Oppenheimer to 97 regulatory actions and 173 arbitrations including ones involving failing to supervise registered representatives’ outside business activities and private securities transactions, among others,” Chapman said in his filings.

Even though Woods left Oppenheimer in December 2016, the court filing alleges Oppenheimer knew of his wrongdoing, and was complicit in hiding that from regulators.

“In December 2016, fully aware of the numerous securities law violations taking place in its Atlanta, Georgia office, Oppenheimer sought to conceal the Horizon scheme from the regulators and the investing public by permitting Woods to quietly resign from Oppenheimer without reporting the wrongdoing to regulators and the investing public, as required by law. This enabled Woods to continue raising money from unsuspecting investors, allowing the Ponzi scheme to continue for many more years, until August 2021,” according to the September filing.

The arbitrators ruled in favor of the Georgia plaintiffs, with a lengthy outline of restitution and penalty payments to each of the victims, totaling nearly $37 million.

DOBSON — Surry Central outlasted West Wilkes in a defensive battle Friday night as the teams opened league play in the Foothills 2A Conference.

After each team scored a touchdown in the first half, neither defense gave up a first down in the third quarter. Central took a 10-7 lead after capping off an 11-play, 5:36 drive with a Chris Nava field goal, then the Eagles put the game on ice when Eli Scott grabbed an interception.

“I’m feeling a little bit of relief to be honest with you,” said Central coach Monty Southern. “When you start 0-3, you don’t want to tell the kids but you as a coach feel a little bit of pressure. And we didn’t play great tonight offensively, but man defensively we did really good. I thought as the game went on that defensively as the game went along we got more physical, which is something that we have been talking about and lacking.

“So, it was good to see the guys doing a little bit of hitting and getting downhill to make some plays.”

The 10-7 victory was not only Surry Central’s first of the season, but served as the first varsity win for most of the team. The young Eagles squad, which is predominantly filled with sophomores and juniors, knew it was in for an uphill battle after graduating 17 seniors from the 2021 team.

Overcoming those obstacles made Friday’s win even sweeter, and the team celebrated accordingly to cap off an unforgettable Homecoming game.

“I think with a young team that wins are really important,” Southern said. “It took me a second to get brave enought to jump into that pile because there was a lot of raw emotion in there; they were pumped up.”

Southern’s message to his team during Friday’s game was the same it’s been all season: put in the work and good things will come.

“I do a devotional with the kids every week,” Southern said. “Before Alleghany, the devotion was basically ‘God can see things coming in your life that you can’t see’ and I told them ‘I know we’re young, and for a lot of you it’s going to be your first varsity game, but we feel like we have the talent to be good. But, you gotta trust us. It may take us a little bit to get there.’”

Just as the Eagles ran into road blocks during the first few weeks of the season – whether it be the heartbreaking 1-point loss to Alleghany in the season opener or a 48-point loss to Mount Airy – the team had to fight through adversity against West Wilkes.

The Blackhawks defense did a good job of taking away Central’s ground game, holding the Eagles to just 44 yards rushing on the night. West Wilkes’ rushing offense, meanwhile, caused problems for Central. The visitors rushed for 150 yards and a touchdown in the first half alone.

The Eagles countered the Blackhawks’ restrictive rush defense by taking to the skies. Sophomore quarterback Mason Jewell led the Golden Eagles’ aerial offense with 189 yards passing. The QB completed 6-of-11 passes (54.5%) while also throwing one touchdown and one interception.

Kyle Inman led the home team in yards receiving by scoring an 81-yard touchdown in the second quarter. Ayden Wilmoth had three catches for 42 yards, Brian Williams added one receptions for 41 yards and Evan Wall had one 25-yard reception.

As for the Blackhawks’ rushing offense, the Eagles made adjustments at halftime when the teams were tied up at 7-7. Surry Central not only held West Wilkes scoreless in the second half, but also limited the Blackhawks to just 51 yards rushing through the third and fourth quarters.

Neither side was able to move the chains in the third quarter. Business picked up in the fourth when Central started on its own 28-yard line with 8:54 to play.

Back-to-back runs from Allen Huffman, who led the team with 36 yards rushing on 12 carries, gave Central its first first down of the half. Jewell then connected with Ayden Wilmoth for a 33-yard gain, then two plays later the QB threw a 25-yard pass to Evan Wall. Wall dragged defenders inside the Blackhawk 10 before he was finally taken down at the 1-yard line.

The Eagles were stifled on first and second down, then a miscommunication the snap led to Jewell falling on the ball on the 10. Nava came in to nail the 27-yard field that gave Central a 10-7 advantage with 3:18 to play.

“We gotta find a way to punch that thing in,” Southern said. “That was disappointing, but it’s always good to have a good kicker. Chris really came through for us.”

West Wilkes got its initial first down of the second half on the ensuing drive. Blackhawk QB Travis Walsh called his own number on a run, then completed a short pass to Jaheim McDougald to move the chains. Walsh followed with his only other completed pass for positive yardage, which went to Hayden Frye for 22 yards.

A holding penalty backed the Hawks behind midfield, but a double reverse put them on the Eagles 42 to set up third-and-11. Ethan Day took over as quarterback for the next play and faced immediate pressure from Central. Day was leveled by Clay Whitaker as he attempted a pass, then it was intercepted by Scott to effectively end the game.

Whitaker, Wyatt Wall, Graden Spurlin and Blaise Gwyn all recorded tackles for a loss for Surry Central in the win.

“I just want to say that I thought the defensive staff had a great gameplan, and the kids did a great job of carrying that game plan out,” Southern said. “You start 0-3 and it’s easy to get down, so I thought these kids showed some resilience.”

Surry Central improves to 1-3 overall and 1-0 in the Foothills 2A Conference with the win. The Golden Eagles will continue conference play next week by traveling to Wilkes Central.

“We’re 1-0 in conference, and that’s what we’re focused on right now, because we know that ultimately if you make the playoffs or not is based on how well you do in the conference,” Southern said.

8:32 SCHS 7-0 – Kyle Inman 81-yard TD reception on Mason Jewell pass, Chris Nava PAT

2:53 WWHS 7-7 – Jarrett Minton 10-yard rush TD, Walker Brondos PAT

3:18 SCHS 10-7 – Chris Nava 27-yard field goal

Miss Angel’s Farm near Mount Airy will host its fourth-annual Oktoberfest on the Orchard Saturday from 4 to 10 p.m., designed to bring a taste of the Old Country to Surry County.

Plans call for the event to include Gypsy Laurel performing live music and a DJ playing German folk music at the 55-acre peach and apple orchard.

In further keeping with Oktoberfest traditions, plenty of German and local beer, cider and wine will be available for purchase, organizers say.

Brats, authentic wiener schnitzel, artisan pretzels and desserts also are to be offered on site, including apple cider doughnuts, apple strudel and ice cream.

Those attending are urged to come dressed in lederhosen and dirndls for a costume contest planned as part of the festival and be ready to compete in games such as log throwing, tug of war, arm wrestling, dancing and axe throwing for prizes from Miss Angels Farm.

Hayrides around the farm will be offered for kids, who also can experience other fun activities including a playground, bounce pad, fruit cannon, corn crib and corn maze.

The admission cost is $10 per person, with a percentage of the proceeds to be donated to the non-profit Mayberry For 4 Paws animal rescue and spaying/neutering organization. Children younger than 4 will be admitted free.

Miss Angel’s Farm and Orchard is located at 252 Heart Lane (formerly Quarter Horse Lane), which is west of Mount Airy near Interstate 77, off N.C. 89.

DOBSON — East Surry went on the road Thursday and defeated Surry Central 7-2 in tennis.

The defending Foothills 2A Conference Champions control their own destiny with an 8-0 conference record. Defeating last season’s runner-up brings the Cardinals (9-1) one step closer to repeating as conference champs.

The three seniors in Thursday’s match all went undefeated in their respective matches. East Surry’s top two seeds, Tara Martin and Evelyn Ruedisueli, both won their singles matches and teamed together to win No. 1 doubles. Central’s lone senior, Kaesi Blythe, was part of the Eagles’ victorious No. 3 doubles team.

Martin and Ruedisueli have yet to lose a match in 2022. Martin, the defending FH2A Conference Player of the Year, is 10-0 in No. 1 singles, while Ruedisueli has the same record in No. 2 singles.

Martin/Ruedisueli are not only 10-0 as a doubles team, but the unit has only lost a combined seven games all season.

Martin defeated McKenna Merritt 6-0, 6-0 on court No. 1, and Ruedisueli beat Karlie Robertson 6-1, 6-1.

East Surry’s No. 3 Sophie Hutchens increased the East Surry lead to 3-0 with a 6-3, 6-0 win over Priscilla Gentry. Hutchens improves to 8-1 in No. 3 singles with the victory.

The remaining straight set match was on court No. 5. East’s Taylor Bullington defeated Madelyn Wilmoth 6-2, 6-4.

Surry Central’s lone singles win came at the No. 4 spot. Freshman Emma Bryant topped Chloe Koons in three sets, winning 6-3, 4-6, 10-8.

Also going to three sets was the No. 6 matchup of Surry Central’s Mitzy Vasquez and East Surry’s Mallory Estrada. Estrada took the opening set 6-3, but Vasquez won the second 6-4.

Estrada went on to take the tiebreaker 10-5 to win both the individual match and clinch the overall team competition for East.

Martin/Ruedisueli shut out Merritt/Robertson 8-0 in No. 1 doubles, marking the Cardinal duo’s seventh shutout of the year.

Hutchens/Koons added a win in No. 2 doubles by defeating Gentry/Bryant 8-4. Blythe picked up her win with partner Wilmoth in No. 3 doubles by defeating Bullington and Estrada 9-7.

East Surry sits atop the FH2A rankings with an 8-0 conference record. Forbush, Surry Central and North Wilkes are the only other teams still mathematically in contention for the conference title, sitting at 5-1, 4-2 and 2-3 respectively.

North Surry is fifth at 2-4, followed by West Wilkes at 1-6 and Wilkes Central at 0-6.

Surry Central is back in action on Sept. 19 against Wilkes Central, and East Surry travels to North Surry the same day.

1. Tara Martin (ES) def. McKenna Merritt 6-0, 6-0

2. Evelyn Ruedisueli (ES) def. Karlie Robertson 6-1, 6-1

3. Sophie Hutchens (ES) def. Priscilla Gentry 6-3, 6-0

4. Emma Bryant (SC) def. Chloe Koons 6-3, 4-6, 10-8

5. Taylor Bullington (ES) def. Madelyn Wilmoth 6-2, 6-4

6. Mallory Estrada (ES) def. Mitzy Vasquez 6-3, 4-6, 10-5

1. Martin/Ruedisueli (ES) def. Merritt/Robertson 8-0

2. Hutchens/Koons (ES) def. Gentry/Bryant 8-4

3. Wilmoth/Kaesi Blythe (SC) def. Bullington/Estrada 9-7

DOBSON — The No. 1-ranked team in the 1A West remained extended its undefeated streak Thursday with a shutout win over a county foe.

Mount Airy, now 9-0 overall, put one in the back of the Surry Central net just a few minutes after the opening whistle, then added another goal late in the first half. Central found new life in the second half after going down 3-0, but wasn’t able to convert on the scoreboard.

The Granite Bears have now won five consecutive meetings against the Eagles dating back to 2017.

“Honestly, I’m not as disappointed as I thought I was going to be,” said Surry Central coach Adan Garcia. “All respect to Mount Airy; they have a great squad. I like to schedule these tough nonconference games to give us experience so when we get into our tough conference games against the likes of Forbush we’ll be ready.”

Mount Airy has yet to lose through nine matches this season, which was true in both the 2020 and 2021 seasons as well. New faces have continued to step up and help the team succeed, especially now as the team has been dealing with injuries.

”It’s the third game of the week and we played last night,” said Bears coach Will Hurley. “We had four starters out for a while, and still have three out, but hopefully they’ll get healed and time will be on our side. Through this experience, though, I thought it’s been good for those kids that stepped up.

“We got a little gassed in the second half…our legs were like spaghetti, but I thought we did a good job of possessing the ball and probably could’ve scored a few more goals. But, that’s just how soccer is sometimes.”

The opening half was all Mount Airy as the Bears built a 2-0 lead. Agripino Perez scored the opener off a Gavin Guerrero corner kick, and Elkin Lopez netted the second of an assist from Angel Osorno.

Surry Central (3-4-1) was held without a shot for the first 55 minutes of play.

“The first half I felt like we just weren’t hustling. We were just jogging to balls and getting outworked,” Garcia said. “They (Mount Airy) came out and got us on two mistakes immediately. At halftime I told them that we have to be physical. We’re playing on our home field and we have to put up a fight.”

Hurley loved what he saw from the back line, consisting primarily of Edwin Agabo, Carson Hill, Pablo Salmeron and Christopher Flores.

“Overall I thought our back line played tremendous,” Hurley said. “Central had one good chance to score, and our goalie came up.

“We tried having Pablo push up that side and he did great, and Edwin was great at covering for him. You know Edwin moves so well, and I like to joke with him saying that he proves to me that a guy that wrestles heavyweight can play soccer. I told him, ‘It’s going to help you wrestle and get a state championship this year. Just wait and see.’”

Central made changes to its lineup and formation in the second half. While the first 10-15 minutes of the half were similar to the first, with Mount Airy’s Osorno scoring off an assist from Lopez six minutes out of the break, Central was able regroup and put pressure on the Bears’ goal.

Chris Nava moved to offense, which Garcia said really opened up the offense and helped reenergize the Eagles.

“That relieved some pressure off the back and we were able to press up high, and Chris was a running machine up there with Luke [Creed],” Garcia said. “He lost some balls, but he immediately hustled back – which is exactly what I expect out of my players. That’s what lifted everybody’s spirits.”

A long Central throw from the corner in the 55th minute went through the box to Nava, and his shot sailed just wide of the left post. Still, it made Mount Airy keeper Edwin Ramirez dive for the first time Thursday night.

Even though Central spent much more time in Mount Airy’s defensive third in the second half, the Eagles still only put up two shots. This was because Ramirez covered every square foot of the 18-yard box and would intercept any attempt at a though ball.

“I’m glad the guys didn’t quit,” Garcia said. “That’s a really good team we just played, and they didn’t back down. Even down 3-0, we managed to get a shot off. Their keeper, Edwin, did a great job of coming out and pouncing on balls to prevent shots too. Some of those were played really well and, I’m not saying it would have been a goal against someone else, but it would’ve been dangerous.”

For both teams, the biggest takeaway from the nonconference meeting was experience. With conference play just beginning – Mount Airy is 2-0 in the Northwest 1A Conference and Surry Central is 1-0 in the Foothills 2A Conference – every match counts, and the Bears and Eagles both look to make a run at their respective conference titles.

Surry Central will play its final two nonconference matches of the season next week, traveling to Hibriten (6-1-3) and Ashe County (8-3).

Mount Airy will meet another NW1A-title contender, Starmount, on Sept. 19. Starmount is ranked No. 5 in the 1A West by MaxPreps and sits at 7-1-1 overall.

6’ Mount Airy 0-1, Agripino Perez from Gavin Guerrero assist

29’ Mount Airy 0-2, Elkin Lopez from Angel Osorno assist

46’ Mount Airy 0-3, Angel Osorno from Elkin Lopez assist

The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce held a job fair at Mayberry May on Sept. 9.

Several dozen area businesses and organizations set up at the fair, hoping to attract prospective job applications for openings they have now, or to make contact with job seekers for openings which may occur later.

All totaled more than 200 people turned out for the event.

With protruding eyes who can

Most anywhere in Pharoah’s court,

With the option of some handsome warts.

Who arrived from the marshy bogs

From down deep in the Nile.

Oh, the frogs who came to stay awhile

In Pharoah’s court,

With the option of some handsome warts.

Climbing frogs with adhesive toes,

In the water. In his bath.

In his kitchen. In his food.

They really ruined Pharoah’s mood.

To Moses he cried, “Get them out!

I’m so upset I want to shout!”

“When would you like them out?”

“Tomorrow,” he said. “I want

One more night with frogs in my bed.”

Tomorrow. Pharoah wanted another night with the croaking, slimy, stinky frogs. Tomorrow. Really?

The war of words between Moses and Pharaoh became more of a war of the will. God’s will was crucial for Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, but Pharoah’s will was to keep the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. A war of the will. Pharoah esteemed himself as a god. The great God Jehovah was proving Himself to be the one true God. God was dealing with the will of Pharoah. Why did he want another night with the frogs? Pride. Pharoah was trying to win his own war of the will against the will of the Great God Almighty.

The war of the will. Pay attention to what the Bible says in Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” The Great God Almighty, the Creator, the Healer, said, “Let us reason together.”

God would much rather apply mercy to a hurting soul than full-strength judgment. He would rather apply salvation than to see a person lose his soul in eternal death. So, why would some fight the calling of salvation?

Some feel the need for salvation because of sins in their lives. However, they have postponed salvation because they think there is more time for them to think about eternal life. Some think that they committed too many sins to qualify for salvation. Remember that the Apostle Paul, before his salvation, was a murderer, but became one of the greatest evangelists in church history. Sadly, some refuse to listen to the loving call of God. They refuse to choose life in Christ. Like Pharoah, they hardened their hearts against listening to the God who loves them.

Study the words from the old hymn written by Eliza Holmes Reed:

Oh, do not let the Word depart,

And close your eyes against the light;

Poor sinner, harden not your heart;

Tomorrow’s sun may never rise

To bless your long-deluded sight;

This is the time, Oh, then, be wise,

Listen to God. God is a loving Father. Answer His call because a life spent with God is a life full of peace. A life spent with God is a life with the promise of eternal life in Heaven, favor with God, hope, and fellowship with your Heavenly Father. It is a life with a covenant relationship with God. Pharoah refused to listen to the call of God. He failed to acknowledge God. Those who live with a covenant with God are truly very blessed to know God as their loving Heavenly Father.

PILOT MOUNTAIN — A second-half scoring surge from North Surry lifted the Greyhounds over East Surry on Sept. 14.

The Wednesday-night match featured six second-half goals after just two were scored in the opening half.

North opened with a 2-0 lead, but East battled back and made it 3-2 with less than 30 minutes left on the clock. The Greyhounds ramped their offense up when the Cards went down a man, leading to three more goals for the visitors.

North Surry’s Edgar Vazquez scored a hat trick and added an assist in the 6-2 Foothills 2A Conference win. Bali Raya added two goals for the Hounds, and Jimmy Burnete had one.

Juan Caro and Logan Fagg each scored for the Cardinals.

A focal point for North Surry this season has been how they begin games. The Greyhounds (4-4, 2-2 FH2A) have had mixed results at times this season due to slow starts. The team will go down after a few early goals then spend most of the night playing catch-up.

The Greyhounds got off to a booming start Wednesday night by scoring less than 10 minutes into the first half. Vazquez found the back of the net on just the team’s second shot, pulling up from 30 yards out and striking with his left foot.

North Surry continued to pepper shots at the East Surry goal throughout the half, posting 11 through the first 40 minutes. Seven of the shots were on target; five were saved by East Surry goalkeeper Michael Youngblood, and two got past the keeper.

Bali Raya added the Hounds’ second goal in the 23rd minute. Vazquez found himself outside the Cardinals’ 18-yard box facing East Surry’s back line. He played a through ball to his right, and Raya finished it for his first goal in the game.

North Surry held East (0-4-1, 0-2 FH2A) to one shot in the first half. Fagg sent a through ball over the Greyhound defense for Levi Watson, setting the forward up for a 1-on-1 against North Surry keeper Josh Garcia. Watson got a shot off with defenders nipping at his heels, and the shot was saved by Garcia.

It was East Surry’s turn for a strong start in the second half. A shot from Mario Flores three minutes in match the Cardinals’ shot total from the first half, but this time it didn’t stop there.

Flores took a corner kick in the 47th minute that led to Caro scoring his first goal of the season.

Fagg, who moved up to striker for the second half, had a shot at equalizing in the minutes following the goal. The Cards sent Fagg a through ball and it became a footrace between Garcia and the striker. Fagg got there first and managed to push the ball away from the keeper, but it was too far left for him to make a shot on goal.

East Surry went down a man in the 52nd minute when Alex Galvan was presented a red card.

Momentum seemed to be on the side of the Hounds after Burnete scored less than a minute later, but the Cards didn’t back down. Fagg was fouled inside the Greyhounds’ 18 in the 54th minute. He put the penalty kick away himself, making it a 3-2 game.

East fared well with just 10 men on the field for a while, but the numbers game caught up to them. The Cards only had one shot in the final 20 minutes of the game after posting five in the 20 minutes prior.

North added to its lead with a Raya goal in the 62nd minute. Vazquez then scored his second and third goals in the final 12 minutes to pick up his second hat trick of the season.

East Surry looks to rebound on Sept. 19 when they face Wilkes Central (0-3-3). North Surry is in FH2A action the same day against Forbush (6-0).

8’ North Surry 0-1, Edgar Vazquez unassisted

23’ North Surry 0-2, Bali Raya from Edgar Vazquez assist

47’ East Surry 1-2, Juan Caro unassisted

52’ North Surry 1-3, Jimmy Burnete unassisted

54’ East Surry 2-3, Logan Fagg penalty kick

62’ North Surry 2-4, Bali Raya unassisted

68’ North Surry 2-5, Edgar Vazquez unassisted

79’ North Surry 2-6, Edgar Vazquez unassisted

Necessity is the mother of invention, and it has led Melissa Hiatt to become as close to a subject matter expert on the Surry County Land Use plan as possible for someone without a planning background.

Hiatt appeared last week before the Surry County Board of County Commissioner to request they pump the brakes on the approval of rezoning requests for dollar-type stores or “like-fashioned” businesses.

“I am requesting you approve or enact a moratorium on zoning and/or permitting for 45 days on future business that there is already an existing like-fashioned business within five miles unless a need is proven. A moratorium will provide time to research the need, language, and legality of enacting and enforcing a zoning ordinance.”

“The request is made as a means to protect our citizens, preserve our communities and to produce growth and development that had the best return on investment to our citizens,” Hiatt explained to the board.

She asked the request to be considered, “In a timely manner as this is an emergent issue as the previously discussed developer has identified another parcel that sits within four miles of four already existing identical stores.”

Residents of the area say that Teramore Development is rumored to have identified the Old Indian Graves Trading Post at Indian Grove Church Road and Westfield Road as their next desired Dollar General location.

This is after the previously sought rezoning for a Dollar General location at Westfield and Quaker Roads was voted down by the commissioners.

“Citizens have continued to watch development in and around our community,” Hiatt said to the commissioners. “Unfortunately, reading and looking for answers in the land use plan has brought me back to you because defeating the rezoning of that particular parcel was not enough of a message to the developer that we do not want to same store every three miles in our county.”

As on previous visits to the planning board or the county commissioners, Hiatt was armed with the data to back up her presentation, “We currently have 32 of these like-fashioned stores either in operation, or approved for construction, in Surry County,” she said.

These ‘like-fashioned’ retailers she noted include Dollar General, Dollar Tree, PopShelf, and Family Dollar (which was bought by Dollar Tree in 2015 for $8.5 billion). “Surry County is 536 square miles; that is a lot of dollar stores in our community.”

These stores are built on the promise of being good for the community, providing jobs, being a community partner, and providing fresh food, Hiatt said. However, she has not found the proof to show those claims can be backed up.

When developers have spoken to the county commissioners in meetings, they have pronounced future Dollar Generals shall follow the new floor plan, offer produce, and stock more refrigerated/frozen options. For both Hiatt and Heather Moore, of Moore’s General Store, the evidence of such has yet to be found.

Hiatt told the commissioners her research has shown a trend toward placing retailers such as these in areas that would cater to the lowest income residents. She went on to say she found that Dollar General targets their stores in areas of high volume EBT (food stamp) use.

Retail insiders however are presenting data showing growth in discount retailers is on the rise across all economic levels. Dollar General has reported its largest growth in the pandemic era has been found in those making above $40,000.

Since the pandemic, the customer base has been shifting in these discount stores and Dollar General, along with the rest, reported that customers are coming in more frequently to buy fewer things per trip.

Analysts speculate this is a byproduct of inflationary purse tightening by consumers and some lingering fears of in-person shopping at grocery and larger retailers such as Walmart. Dollar General expects that pattern to remain in place at least through the end of the year, Dollar General CEO Todd Vasos said. He also suggested the value added for the customer is found in the ease of access as well as in pricing.

In a sign of how price increases have squeezed all shoppers, Dollar General said it is seeing increasing signs that its focus on low prices has emerged as a “survival tool” for many of its customers.

“Our core customer is running out of money that fourth week of the month. So, she’s told us that I really need that $1 price point to be able to feed my family,” Vasos said.

He added that shoppers’ habits have changed due to the global pandemic. They have been coming into stores more often but are spending less on each trip than they did at the peak of COVID when staying out of stores altogether was many shoppers’ goal. Vasos said he expects this trend of less items bought on more frequent visits to remain the trend for his business.

Dollar General has become a major player in the retail and convenience market and has placed 75% of its stores in towns with populations of less than 20,000 residents. As industry observer Jea Yu wrote, “They have carved out a niche in small locations where the big box retailers wouldn’t even consider.”

Retail trade writers noted that Dollar General “has been putting in the work over the last few years… and is growing faster than any other retailer in the county, with 1,039 new stores opened in 2021 alone,” according to Forbes.

Decision makers at Dollar General would point to their formula working for their business model and their customer by highlighting second quarter sales numbers showing 4.6% growth in same store sales year-over-year.

What is good for the Dollar General board of directors or shareholders may not be what is best for those on the ground, Hiatt said. Her moratorium request is meant to give the county time to look over the land use plan and make such updates as County Manager Chris Knopf said are overdue.

“This is not a step back in time or a speed bump for development and not a personal attack against a particular industry,” Hiatt said, instead presenting the pushback from her and other members of the community as the last line of defense from an onslaught of potential growth in an area saturated with these like-fashioned retailers.

“There is a silent assault on our community, just as there is in many communities across the nation. The assault is coming from big box retail stores that specialize in discounted merchandise, primarily from China,” she said.

Hiatt asked the board to weigh the potential benefits of lower prices and convenience against low wages, processed foods, and the boxing out of mom-and-pop retailers. “With these issues identified, I do not believe the tax base received in property tax and sales tax outweighs the payout to provide services from our county budget in combating the aforementioned impact to citizen.”

DOBSON — Surry County Health and Nutrition Center is now offering the updated Moderna and Pfizer booster shots.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech, for people ages 12 years and older, or from Moderna for people ages 18 years and older. The bivalent vaccine booster is designed to offer protection against two different strains of the virus – the original strain that all previous vaccines have targeted and the newer Omicron subvariants, BA.4 and BA.5.

A person is eligible to receive a bivalent booster if it has been at least two months since they have completed their primary vaccination series or since they received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The updated booster vaccines do not replace shots for the primary vaccination series, but they will replace the current booster dose for persons 12 years of age and older.

Call Surry County Health and Nutrition Center at 336-401-8420, to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins will be accommodated; however, appointments are preferred.

For more information, call 336-401-8400 or visit Facebook at for the latest updates.

A group of local citizens is taking steps to express their dissatisfaction with a new master plan for downtown Mount Airy — literally — with an upcoming walk they hope will demonstrate a strong show of opposition.

“It’s actually going to be a friendly walk,” said Gail Hiatt, one merchant involved, “to save Main Street.” Copies of petitions to that effect also are circulating in the area.

Hiatt explained that the event scheduled for Oct. 9 should not be confused with the types of protests and marches that have rocked some U.S. cities in recent years — while at the same time plan dissenters want their opinions known.

“We just want to voice our opposition,” said Hiatt, the owner of Mount Airy Tractor Co. Toyland on North Main Street, who mentioned that a number of downtown merchants are planning the walk. “There’s probably about 15 involved in helping to get it started.”

They are not part of any organization. “We’re doing this on our own,” Hiatt said. “We have all come together.”

Martha Truskolaski, owner of the Spotted Moon gift shop downtown, another leading the effort, says the walk is aimed at preserving the existing quaintness of North Main Street rather than copying modern streetscapes of larger cities which the plan advocates.

Mount Airy is not such a place, “and we don’t want to be,” Truskolaski said Thursday afternoon.

“We’re Mayberry, we’re not Boone or somewhere like that,” agreed Hiatt.

Concerns also have arisen about the potential high costs of aspects of the plan to taxpayers.

The walk is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. on Oct. 9 from the upper end of the central business district, with participants asked to assemble between 1 and 1:30 p.m. in the Truist (BB&T) bank parking lot.

They will walk down North Main Street to the Municipal Building, where speakers including Commissioner Jon Cawley, who voted against the downtown plan during a recent meeting, and former Mayor Deborah Cochran, are expected to offer remarks.

Both are candidates in this year’s municipal election, Cawley for mayor and Cochran, the at-large seat on the Mount Airy Board of Commissioners.

Everyone is invited to participate in the procession, according to Hiatt, who said they may also ride in vehicles if desired. “A lot of people can’t walk that far,” she acknowledged.

North Main Street will be closed to regular vehicular traffic during the walk/ride.

With emotions running high after the city commissioners voted 3-2 in favor of the new master plan on Sept. 1 — which most speakers opposed during a public hearing preceding that — Truskolaski was hoping the walk could be held soon after.

But Oct. 9 was the earliest date for which a permit could be obtained, due to other events scheduled downtown.

The downtown plan, prepared by the Benchmark planning firm, updated an earlier one completed in 2004.

It contains recommendations for improvements in the downtown area as a whole, including not only the main drag but surrounding areas — yet changes eyed for it have sparked the opposition.

The general concept for North Main Street includes providing what are called “flex spaces” to create more areas for outdoor dining, tree plantings and other tweaks.

Flex spaces 20 feet wide are envisioned on each side of North Main Street, including sidewalks 12 to 20 feet wide, with a movable bollard system and options for parking along the way.

The plan prescribes large flexible outdoor spaces at street corners and the burial of above-ground utility lines along with street trees, new decorative street lights and strategically placed loading zones.

Although the possibility of altering the present one-way, two-lane traffic pattern on North Main to one lane was considered as an option while the plan was in its formative stages, the maintaining of two lanes was favored by workshop study groups.

The total travel area of the two lanes is 20 feet wide, under the plan.

While city officials who support the update say it is aimed at improving downtown Mount Airy to keep it economically viable for the long run, opponents believe they shouldn’t tinker with what already is a good thing.

A speaker during a public forum of a city council meeting Thursday night summed up the controversy.

Daris Wilkins said then that many members of the public are concerned about widening sidewalks and losing parking spots as a result, and also changes that would harm the existing aesthetics downtown.

Critics say that while the alterations — which Truskolaski called “a downtown makeover” — might be well-intended, they don’t want to risk damaging what’s there.

Many people who visit downtown Mount Airy are drawn by its charm, she contends, and the way it takes one “back to a quieter period of time.”

Truskolaski believes that in adopting the new plan, municipal leaders weren’t reflecting the views of downtown shoppers on the ground and merchants — most of whom oppose it, Hiatt said.

“They’re not on the streets,” Truskolaski said.

She also thinks the proposal was approved by the majority of the city board without full disclosure to the local populace.

“Not all taxpayers in the city were aware of the plan before it was pushed through,” Truskolaski said.

Some, especially older residents, might have been unaware of the recent public hearing due to not being engaged with social media or reading about it in the newspaper.

Truskolaski suggests that notices about such hearings should be included with citizens’ water bills to better spread the word.

The Spotted Moon owner admits her position on the downtown plan might cost the store some business.

“But I think it’s worth fighting to keep our town like it is,” Truskolaski said.

Students and staff at Cedar Ridge Elementary worked during August to focus on learning how being self-aware can make them a leader in their community.

The following students were nominated by their teachers as Leaders of the Month for practicing self-awareness at school: Braylen Carson, Moxx Easter, Ruby Martinez-Bautista, Kaydence Clifton, Maggie Baker, Elyssa Robertson, Ramie Jurney, Zarena Newton, Alec Ruiz, Kaden Puckett, Arayah Mundy, Ariana Salvania, Daleyza Avila, Sofia Rodriguez, Efrain Osornio Gonzalez, Carolina Wallace, Eleanor Baker, Katalea Ochoa, Brylee Martinez, Aria Dickerson, Cali Barber, Zoey Hodges and Leah Horney.

Staff members also nominated a colleague that has shown how self- awareness can help all lead themselves, lead with others, and change the world. This month’s leader was Cathy Wetter.

Surry Rural Health Center and Scenic Pharmacy sponsors the Leaders of the Month program and Matt Swift and Farm Bureau Insurance provided a gift to Wetter for her leadership in the school.

Mitchell Whitley — a Greensboro native and Raleigh resident — visited Mount Airy earlier this year, spending a few hours one Sunday afternoon in town.

He also visited Elkin in the spring, and more recently swung back through Surry County to spend a few hours in Pilot Mountain — and he has hopes of getting back to this part of the state to tour Dobson.

He’s also visited nearby Sparta, North Wilkesboro, and other towns flung across North Carolina, from the mountains to the coast. All totaled, Whitley has visited more than 150 towns in North Carolina, specifically meeting with the mayors of each community.

That is his goal — to meet with the mayors of North Carolina’s incorporated towns and cities.

His purpose? That’s a bit nebulous, though Whitley said he wants to learn more about what challenges local municipal governments are facing, how they are overcoming those obstacles, and he wants to be “A better advocate for local issues.”

He’s also developed a cool-looking website called Mitchell’s Mayors and he has his sights set on writing a book about his experiences once he has done.

Given that the project is a weekend-only pursuit, he probably has a few years before his work will be available on bookshelves.

“I’ve spent all my college years following political opportunities,” he said, explaining he volunteered for several state and federal campaigns, and interned for Sen. Thom Tillis, at the U.S. Secretary of Labor office in Washington, D.C., as well as for six months in the North Carolina General Assembly.

“But I never got a chance to experience municipal government.”

So, Whitley said he figured the best way to learn about local government, to get a feel for what challenges and opportunities face towns large and small, was to meet with mayors of those towns and cities. All of them.

“So, I started calling up mayors, seeing if they would meet with me. I thought they could give me great insight.”

This month marks a full year since starting his quest. Early on, he was free to visit a few towns during weekdays, but he was soon working fulltime, thus visiting the mayors became an every-weekend project.

In January, he visited Mount Airy and spent a couple of hours with Mayor Ron Niland. Unlike most mayors Whitley has met, Niland has served as a town manager and as a contractor offering services and advice to other towns, thus his experience was a little wider.

“We were one of his early visits,” Niland recently recalled. “It was a very interesting visit, he came up, it was actually on a Sunday. I met him down at city hall…I enjoyed our visit, we spent an hour, hour and a half, talking about issues in the city, other cities. This is a great undertaking; I think it’s kind of an interesting project.”

At that time, Whitley was out doing his thing, along with his father who is accompanying him on the trips, but few knew about his project.

“I encouraged him to do a web page, which I think he’s done,” Niland said. “He’s stayed in contact with me occasionally, mostly through messaging, particularly when he runs into a mayor that knows me.”

“My visit was amazing,” Whitley said of his time in Mount Airy. “My dad had been there plenty of times, but I’d never been there before. To visit the town that Mayberry is written after is really something special.”

He said despite the day being overcast and cool, he was surprised at the number of people shopping on Main Street downtown.

He particularly felt meeting with Niland was educational.

“He spent so many years in roles as town managers in other communities, working for towns across…the state. It gave him a really great idea and perspective of how he could come in as mayor and work well with people…positively get things done on behalf of everybody. When a mayor has experience like that, it’s great, they can get a jump start.”

Whitley was particularly impressed with the planned hotel and visitor center downtown, part of the larger Spencer’s reclamation project.

“I’m excited for your town, more people should be able to come and stay and learn just how special your community is.”

Whitley was equally complimentary of his time in Pilot Mountain, meeting with Mayor Evan Cockerham.

“I had been to the mountain, of course, to the state park, but I had never been to the town.”

He said Cockerham spent time with him, talking about changes in the town, all of the weekend events scheduled throughout the year, and walked him to what he called a “very, very good restaurant,” the Tilted Ladder.

“I hadn’t heard of his project until he reached out to me,” Mayor Cockerham said of their Aug. 27 visit. He was impressed with the scope of Whitley’s plan.

“It’s kind of a daunting task to make contact with every mayor, much less visit with them. I just thought it was a very fascinating project, I had never heard of anything that dealt with municipalities on that kind of scale. He spent a few hours with me…The majority of the questions were about 50/50, about my personal story, what leads someone to become a mayor, and then he gave me an opportunity to tell the story of our community, what brought us to the point we are today.”

Thus far, Whitley is nearly a third of the way through his goal of meeting all the mayors — and he has already come across some unexpected tales and people.

“There’s a lot of things that stand out,” he said of the towns he has already visited. Among those is being asked to drive the mayor’s car in a Christmas parade; meeting a man who worked on Air Force 1 for seven different presidents; learning of an as-yet unsolved passenger jet crash in the town of Bolivia in 1960; one of the largest Americana memorabilia collections in the U.S. — including a crushed beer can from the plane flight the band Lynyrd Skynyrd was riding when it crashed; a paranormal museum; and a mayor who spends some of his spare time hunting for Big Foot.

“Who would ever be able to see something like that unless he took the opportunity to travel across the state, talk to people in the communities?”

Whitley said the project has evolved since he began. First, it was just about meeting with the mayors, learning about their towns. Since starting, he’s begun the website Mayor Niland suggested, and has added plans for the book.

Whether the visits might springboard Whitley into a political career he can’t say.

“I don’t know myself exactly,” he said of any potential future in politics. “I wouldn’t want anyone to think the only reason I’m doing this is because I want a political career. I’m doing this because I love our state and I want to listen and learn from the mayors, be a better advocate for them.”

Mitchell’s Mayors, including photos and some information on all the towns Whitley has visited, can be found at:

DOBSON – After missing three years due to the pandemic, along with some fear of a permanent cancellation, the Surry Old Time Fiddlers Convention returns later this month to celebrate the area’s string-instrument tradition this fall. The convention takes place Sept. 23-24 at the Surry County Service Center in Dobson.

The event, in its 11th year, usually takes place in the spring, but organizers hope a fall event will keep the momentum going until the convention can return to regular timing.

“Several of us older folks were fortunate to play with Tommy Jarrell and those famous musicians from this area, so we’re doing our best to keep the old-time music tradition going,” says Buck Buckner, event organizer.

The two-day event focuses on youth and adult instrument competitions, awarding more than $5,000 in prize money. Categories include fiddle, guitar, banjo, mandolin and more.

What had been an annual gathering of musicians and fans marked its tenth year in 2019, but was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 among public-gathering bans because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier this year, Buckner said it appeared the convention would not be returning. During its first ten years, the event was held at Surry Community College. However, he said the COVID-pandemic, along with the retirement and departure of some from the college, pushed the school to make some changes in how its facilities were used. That led to the cancellation of the spring convention this year, he said.

In May, he said Dobson officials had contacted him, expressing interest in potentially hosting the event there in town. At the time, they were discussing a town park or Fisher River Park just outside of town. Now, all parties involved have been able to secure the use of the Surry County Service Center for the event, at least for this autumn.

Friday night brings back the popular square dance. Slate Mountain Ramblers and Lucas Pasley & The Stratford Stringband provide live music for the evening. A 50/50 raffle and quilt raffle also take place.

Grounded Coffee Co. in Dobson brings snacks and coffee Friday evening, and area food trucks provide a variety of food on Saturday.

Doors open for the square dance at 6 p.m., Friday. Competitions take place throughout the day on Saturday. Registration begins at 10 a.m. Youth competitions run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with adult contests following and band competitions that evening.

“Several years ago, I was a little concerned about our music tradition here,” Buckner says. “It didn’t seem like many young people were getting involved, but with local school programs, and an emphasis on youth music competitions, we’re seeing a lot of young people getting into it.”

Admission to the Surry Old Time Fiddlers Convention is $5 per day. All contestants and children 12 and younger admitted free. The address for Surry County Service Center is 915 E. Atkins St. in Dobson. For more information:

Attempting to create leaders of the future the students of Millennium Charter Academy, who have been back in school just over a month, will be pushed next week to do more than what was originally expected of them.

On Sept. 22, high schoolers from Millennium Charter Academy will participate in Service Day by partnering with local non-profit organizations or by doing service projects to improve their campus.

This is not a form of punishment, but rather a way in which students can experience giving back via community service.

Students will be volunteering with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Mount Airy Parks and Recreation, the Yadkin Valley Senior Center in Jonesville, and at the L. H. Jones Family Resource Center. Some students will find their volunteerism happens closer to home and will find ways to improve Millennium Charter Academy itself.

During the community service day organizers say that students will clean, paint, weed, and complete other tasks to help their community. By volunteering with local organizations, students will not only lend a helping hand, but also learn the importance of community service and build habits of service to their fellow citizens.

This service day is part of a renewed focus on community at the school. Seniors at MCA will complete community service hours as a requirement for graduation, and Millennium Charter Academy will host a second community service day in the spring.

Millennium Charter officials said their mission is to help students create an awareness of themselves as members of a community, from local to national to global, and to support the community through giving of time, effort, money, and good will.

There will be no rest for the weary next Thursday as the students of Millennium Charter Academy have been given a detailed agenda for their day. Some of the students will be leaving campus shortly after the school day begins and will be bussed to off-campus assignments with the community groups to which they are assigned.

Students will ride the bus back to campus and reconnect with those who did their service projects on site for lunch before the afternoon activities including rallies and competition events.

The teams leaving campus will be doing their community service projects with the Yadkin Valley Senior Center, Habitat for Humanity, L.H. Jones Family Resource Center, and Mount Airy Parks & Recreation.

Six teams have been designated for service work on campus including: Sanding and repainting picnic tables, bus washing, outdoor beautification to include trash pickup, weeding of campus grounds, cleaning and organizing the greenhouse/outside storage, and an inside cleaning team.

“We hope that by working alongside our students to serve our communities we can help our students, and our school as a whole, to develop a love for our communities and their fellow citizens,” Millennium Charter Academy humanities teacher and mock trial instructor Anderson Rouse said.

The desire to grow their students into productive members of society is built into the DNA Of Millennium Charter Academy. The school’s vision statement says that Millennium Charter, “will develop citizens of virtuous character who think well and, as leaders, contribute to our communities, our nation, and the world.”

Rouse said that it is their goal to educate students, “Not only to be great — great thinkers, great artists, great athletes — but also to be good. One of the ways we can build virtue and cultivate good character in our students is through an emphasis on service.”

MCA’s Rouse quoted the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said in a sermon delivered on Feb. 4, 1968, “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve.”

“You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

DOBSON — An event is scheduled Friday in Dobson to assist Surry County residents with federal government issues.

This involves plans by the staff of 10th District Congressman Patrick McHenry to hold office hours that day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the historic Surry County Courthouse, where citizens are invited to come with problems or concerns. The courthouse is located at 114 W. Atkins St. in Dobson.

McHenry periodically has offered this opportunity to local residents since Surry County became part of his district after the 2020 congressional election. The last such office session was held in June.

Roger Kumpf, McHenry’s regional director for Surry, will be available Friday to meet with constituents who have issues with agencies such as the Social Security Administration or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Kumpf will also be there to listen to any concerns that constituents have with federal policy or pending legislation before Congress. He will relay those concerns to Rep. McHenry.

Congressman McHenry’s staff holds regular office hours in each county of the 10th District.

He maintains district offices in Rural Hall, Mooresville and Hickory.

Well, bless their little hearts! The Mount Airy City Council has decided to create a citizens academy to help people better understand the inner workings of local government (see “Applicants sought for new Citizens Academy” in the Sept. 10 edition of The Mount Airy News).

Will the graduates of that Grow Your Own Group Thinkers program be offered an opportunity to advance their understanding of the operational realities of our very own city council? If so, such a graduate-level program might offer the following courses as part of its curriculum:

• Voting Made Easy: Just take your cue from Mount Airy Downtown (MAD)

• Budgeting 101: Put numbers on a spreadsheet for public consumption

• Advanced Budgeting: Ignore numbers on the spreadsheet

• ‘Mayberry’ Budgeting: Keep spending irresponsibly and raise taxes

• Maximizing Council Communications: Never share relevant information with commissioners who think and vote independently

• Hiring a Consultant: Find an expensive one who’s already drafted an identical plan for other towns in North Carolina

• Hiring a Family Member: Create a frivolous and unnecessary job in the Reeves Community Center

• Streamlining Governance: If it doesn’t involve downtown, ignore it!

The only problem with offering such an advanced program is that it’s not needed. Most citizens already have a pretty good handle on how our current local government actually operates.

• A Tuesday incident at the Sheetz store on Rockford Street resulted in a Mount Airy woman being charged with misdemeanor child abuse and driving while impaired, according to city police reports.

After a brief investigation by officers who encountered Mary Catherine Smith, 39, of 113 Tryon Lane, at Sheetz, Smith was found to be impaired by an unknown substance, police records state. This was compounded by the presence of a juvenile passenger in the 2015 Nissan Armada SUV she was operating, leading to the child abuse allegation.

Smith was held in the Surry County Jail under a $500 secured bond and slated for a Sept. 26 appearance in District Court.

• Toby Carlton Thompson, 53, of 3660 Highway 268, Siloam, was arrested Monday night on a felony drug charge, possession of a Schedule II controlled substance with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver, which was identified as heroin.

Thompson, who also is accused of possessing drug paraphernalia (listed as a syringe), was encountered by officers during a suspicious-person investigation in a parking lot at Advance Auto Parts on Rockford Street in the vicinity of Starbucks.

The Siloam man was jailed under a $2,500 secured bond and is scheduled to be in Surry District Court on Monday.

• “Confusion tactics” were used to obtain money by false pretenses last Friday at the Walgreens pharmacy on Rockford Street.

The exact nature of the scam was not listed, nor was the sum of money involved.

The Mount Airy Bears defended their home course in Monday’s Northwest 1A Conference Golf Match.

Five of the seven Northwest 1A Conference teams were in attendance at Cross Creek Country Club: Mount Airy, Elkin, Alleghany, East Wilkes and South Stokes. North Stokes and Starmount did not compete.

Only Mount Airy, South Stokes and Elkin had at least three golfers each and were able to take part in the team competition – which takes the top three individual scores from each school.

Mount Airy came away with the team victory with a three-person total of 186 strokes. South Stokes finished second at 189 stokes, and Elkin was third at 194 strokes.

South Stokes’ Haley Tyndall was the medalist for the match with a score of 51 strokes. East Wilkes’ Lauren Macemore took second at 52, while Mount Airy’s Mercer Meadows finished third at 60.

Full results are below and sorted by school:

Veterans Memorial Park in Mount Airy was the scene of a Veterans Appreciation event Saturday. Mount Airy Mayor Ron Niland along with Commissioners Steve Yokeley and Joe Zalescik were there to show their support for local veterans on the weekend that also saw the anniversary of the attack of Sept. 11, 2001.

Organizer Jerry Estes and the assembled were on hand during a drizzly Saturday that saw a lot of happenings in Mount Airy firing off at the same time. American Legion Post 123 sponsored the Veterans Appreciation event that also doubled as a collection for the items to be added into a 50-year time capsule which will be placed for posterity on the grounds of Veterans Memorial Park.

The time capsule was focused not just on local veterans but also on Veterans Memorial Park itself. Estes was seen displaying some of those items to the small crowd that gathered over the weekend, and discussing the significance of each. He held up a bullet casing and described it was from an officer’s side arm, he showed off a Veterans of Foreign Wars kerchief, and other items that had been donated to the time capsule from local veterans.

After Estes showed a photo depicting prisoners of war, Yokeley said, “I can’t believe human beings could possibly do things like that to one another.” War is hell, as the saying goes, and as those with the first-hand knowledge of such pass away, so too do their memories which is why the time capsule matters to the event organizers.

Included in the time capsule are dog tags, newspaper articles, medallions, bullet casings, and more. There are artifacts ranging from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, up through more modern conflicts in the Middle East such as Operations Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom.

With Surry County’s veteran population aging, the event and the time capsule are meant to create another way in which these veterans can leave a mark on history. Estes admitted with the aging population it was a little challenging at first to find veterans who were interested in donating items to the time capsule, however the artifacts came together in time to be placed inside the time capsule.

After 50 years when the Veterans Memorial Park time capsule is exhumed from the grounds of Veterans Memorial Park Estes hopes the artifacts inside will serve as a testament to the men and women who donned the uniform of the United States and fought to defend the nation.

“I want people to know we were here, and we cared enough to give back even after we served,” Estes explained.

In July 2010, Shirley Brinkley spoke at a public forum before the Mount Airy Board of Commissioners, complaining about the effects of annexation in her neighborhood — which would be a springboard for her election as a commissioner.

And though she has been displaying the same pattern recently in appearing at public forums to address various issues, Brinkley said this is not a precursor for any effort to rejoin the city council.

“If I ran again, my husband would either murder me or leave me,” she said when discussing a potential candidacy after one of her recent appearances before the commissioners.

“I don’t plan on running,” Brinkley emphasized.

A year after her initial public-forum comments — addressing yard and other damage resulting from construction crews installing utility lines in the wake of Mount Airy’s annexation of the Hollyview Forest area — Brinkley did decide to run for office.

A substitute teacher for Mount Airy High School at the time, she filed as a South Ward candidate for the city council election in 2011, defeating incumbent Todd Harris by capturing 67% of the vote. Harris was a three-term incumbent and the longest-serving member of the Mount Airy Board of Commissioners.

In 2015, Brinkley ran for re-election to a second four-year term in the South Ward, overcoming token challenges by two write-in candidates, Bill Clark and Joe Reid.

Brinkley opted not to seek a third term on the city council in 2019, with present South Ward Commissioner Marie Wood winning that seat then.

While Wood was viewed in 2019 as Brinkley’s hand-picked successor, the former commissioner recently has been at odds with Wood over the latter’s reluctance to support a property tax cut and disrespect Brinkley said Wood displayed toward Commissioner Jon Cawley.

For the first time since 2019, a municipal election is being held in Mount Airy in 2022, with the city’s every-two-year schedule interrupted by a switch from odd- to even-numbered years.

Despite speaking at a public forum last November on problems related to the new automated garbage collection implemented by the city government earlier in 2021, Brinkley did not adhere to her “pattern” of filing for office this year.

“I like the people that are running,” she said of the eight candidates seeking four offices altogether, including that of the mayor and three commissioner positions.

And based on her other recent comments, Brinkley is not interested in mounting a council return when the next municipal election is held in 2024.

However, this doesn’t mean she will be a stranger at City Hall.

In June, she appeared before the council to ask that property taxes be reduced, a request that Wood, who also is mayor pro tem, rejected during that meeting.

This was followed with a public forum appearance by Brinkley during a commissioners meeting on Aug. 4, when she complained about the treatment displayed by some council members toward Cawley, a candidate for mayor this year, including Wood.

That involved a dispute over street changes that Cawley charged were made in violation of the city charter, which others sought to downplay.

“I tried to treat people with respect,” Brinkley said of her time in office. “That’s why I went to the board (on Aug. 4) — they don’t have respect for people, and it’s terrible.”

Brinkley indicated that this seems to be the nature of politics these days. “It can be vicious — people are vicious.”

Most recently, at a council meeting on Sept. 1, Brinkley spoke in opposition to a downtown master plan update during a public hearing. She specifically criticized the possibility of North Main Street traffic being reduced from two lanes to one through the central business district as a result.

Although Brinkley says she won’t run for city office again, there are strong indications the former commissioner will show up at meetings as needed.

“You’ll never get rid of me until I die,” she told officials during the Aug. 4 session.

RALEIGH — Two early voting sites have been approved for Surry County ahead of the November general election, through a unanimous decision by officials in Raleigh.

The N.C. State Board of Elections voted 5-0 Tuesday in favor of a plan to offer one-stop, early absentee in-person balloting in both Mount Airy and Dobson, thus rejecting a counter-proposal for the Dobson location only.

This intervention at the state level was required due to the Surry County Board of Elections failing to reach unanimous decisions on either option during a meeting in Dobson on July 20. Its members were all in agreement that two other recent early voting stations in Pilot Mountain and Elkin should not operate this fall.

Under state law, the lack of a unanimous decision at the local level automatically sends the matter to the N.C. State Board of Elections, which provided the final word on similar cases in a total of 13 counties during a monthly meeting in Raleigh.

The non-unanimous decision requirement also triggered a third debate Tuesday besides the two local proposals for early voting centers, which was raised by Tim DeHaan of the bipartisan Surry elections board.

DeHaan, who appeared before the state group along with fellow local member Drew Poindexter and county Director of Elections Michella Huff via a video conferencing set-up from the board’s headquarters in Dobson, said his main concern was that issue.

The Republican board member from Elkin was the lone dissenter in the local 4-1 decision to have early voting in both Mount Airy and Dobson, and officially was involved Tuesday to make the case against that. But DeHaan said by voting in opposition, he mainly was using that opportunity to question the unanimous-decision requirement when appearing before the state board.

DeHaan, a recognized expert in parliamentary procedure, said this requirement goes against principles of democracy in which a simple majority decision is all that’s required to settle things.

He believes the state board’s method also serves to suppress those who might have differing opinions on a proposal, prompting them to go along with the majority just to avoid Raleigh’s involvement.

“You’re stifling free speech,” DeHaan told the state board members, who he said are charged with ensuring free and democratic elections.

Despite DeHaan’s dissenting vote in July on having two local early voting stations, he expressed support for that move Tuesday.

Under the non-unanimous procedure, a representative from both sides of a contested issue in a county is selected to present each in remarks limited to five minutes, with Poindexter, a Democrat, advocating for the approval of Mount Airy and Dobson.

“I’m basically willing to concede to Drew that the majority plan is OK,” DeHaan said during Tuesday’s meeting in reiterating that his main concern was addressing the parliamentary aspect regarding non-unanimous decisions.

During his allotted five minutes in the spotlight for the video conference, Poindexter explained that Surry has maintained four early voting locations for recent countywide elections including in 2020 when a hotly contested presidential race was involved.

In retrospect, there was an assumption that heavy turnout in 2020 would carry over to early voting before a primary election this spring, on May 17, yet this did not materialize, Poindexter added.

He went on to say that providing the early voting service in Pilot Mountain and Elkin in particular did not justify the staffing and other expenses required.

In Elkin, for example — where only 515 people cast ballots over the 15 days of early voting this spring — $16,215 was spent, a cost of $31.49 per vote.

For Pilot Mountain, only 424 people voted, with the cost put at $$15,047 — a per-vote figure of $35.49.

To help illustrate the low turnout there, Poindexter pointed out that just eight persons came to the polling place on April 30 and seven did so on May 7.

“This makes for long days for election workers,” he said.

In contrast, 2,281 voters cast early ballots at the Mount Airy site in a county government facility behind Arby’s, which officials do believe was worthwhile from a cost standpoint.

Meanwhile, the Dobson site — at the county elections headquarters — is mandated to be open for early voting under state law.

In looking ahead to the general election, Poindexter suspects turnout also will be somewhat meager because of “an unusually low number of contested elections” on the ballot, further making the case for just two sites.

This includes present county office-holders such as the sheriff and others.

After hearing from the two Surry representatives, the state board approved the Mount Airy-Dobson plan with no debate.

In voicing his concerns about requiring unanimous rather than majority decisions on the local level for matters such as early voting, DeHaan said he wasn’t expecting an answer from the state board on Tuesday.

The local board member indicated that he wanted one at some point to reconcile his concerns about this being anti-democratic in nature.

DeHaan said he has talked to state legislators about the issue, who told him that he needed to address the state elections board instead.

Its chairman, Damon Circosta, said the board would take the matter under advisement.

However, Circosta mentioned that the unanimous rule is employed at multiple levels of government.

He gave the example of unanimous consent used in the U.S. Senate when lawmakers agree as a whole to circumvent normally required procedures for the sake of expediency.

Early voting is scheduled to begin on Oct. 20 at the two locations in Surry County.

The second annual 9/11 Day Flag of Honor Across America Memorials event was held Sunday in Dobson at the Children’s Center of Northwest North Carolina. The ceremony mirrored others happening across the country as the largest multi-site coordinated 9/11 Day project.

In total, 75 communities across the United States came together over the weekend in an event meant to commemorate the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001, during the deadliest terrorist attack in United States history.

“We feel honored to have been one of 75 sites chosen to hold a commemorative event that was a meaningful and solemn remembrance of the lives lost on 9/11,” Children’s Center Community Relations Coordinator Valerie Smith said.

Regardless of the location or whether the honored were a victim, hero, or first responder, the ceremony seeks to create a connection to those who were lost. Also remembered were those lost in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center.

The 9/11 Day Flag of Honor Memorials are volunteer-driven and meant to bring young people into the ceremony as well to share information on those who were lost. “Instead of saying 2,983 names at one memorial, each memorial is held in memory and honor of 50-65 victims and heroes. And, instead of only saying a name, 5-10 personal things are shared about each,” the event website said.

Part of what makes this event so different is that there is no specific local connection between the memorials and the names read. Organizers said this is a new way to honor those who were lost on that fateful day beyond just the recitation of names and the tolling of bells.

This year, the remembrance “extends beyond those honored in the first year, from everyone who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001, to include nearly 5,000 more who lost their lives after that day.”

“As a result of federal law and other concerns, the federal government will not release the names of those who died following Sept. 11, only the monthly death totals. More than twenty 9/11-related organizations are assisting Global Youth Justice and have identified nearly 1,000 to be remembered by name.”

This memorial was the brainchild of the Global Youth Justice Inc. in 2020 and is co-sponsored by AmeriCorps, the federal agency that promotes national service through volunteerism. Participating sites were given a 9/11 Day Flag of Honor with the names of the 2,983 victims to display at the memorial ceremony.

Two conference leaders took a break from league play recently to rekindle a rivalry on the volleyball court.

East Surry holds sole possession of first place in the Foothills 2A Conference as the only FH2A team without a conference loss, while West Stokes is tied with McMichael for the top spot in the Mid-State 2A Conference. Both East Surry and West Stokes are 4-0 in league play.

The Cardinals traveled to King on Sept. 12 and came away with the 3-0 win. East won with set scores of 25-11, 25-20 and 25-19.

Bella Hutchens led the Cards with 17 kills in the victory. Madeline Dayton and Maggy Sechrist each added six kills, Merry Parker Boaz had four, Mckenzie Davis had two and Khloe Bennett had one.

East Surry has now won nine of its past 10 meetings against West Stokes dating back to 2013. Six of those nine wins have been 3-0 sweeps.

East resumed conference play the following night at home against Forbush. Another sweep, this time with set scores of 25-12, 25-20 and 25-10, gave the Cardinals their eighth win of the season. The victory also put the Cards at 5-0 at home.

The defending 2A West Regional Runners-Up sit at 8-3 overall in 2022. East Surry’s three losses have come against teams from higher divisions in nonconference play, those coming against: Reagan, who is currently 20-0 and ranked No. 1 in 4A by MaxPreps; West Forsyth, who is 8-4 overall and No. 14 in the 4A West; and West Rowan, who sits at 10-3 overall and is No. 5 in the 3A West.

MaxPreps’ Sept. 12 rankings place East Surry at No. 7 in the 2A West.

East Surry has three nonconference games remaining as part of their 22-match regular season. The Cards will play Mount Airy twice, first on Sept. 19 and again on Oct. 3, then host West Stokes on Oct. 10.

East returns to the court Sept. 15 by traveling to West Wilkes.

The Small Business Center at Surry Community College will be offering multiple online webinars this month free of charge. These webinars cover a variety of topics that are intended to help individuals gain valuable skills for working with a small business.

The webinar Online QuickBooks will be held Sep. 15, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This seminar will teach industry best practices for recording daily transactions, managing and paying bills, reconciling bank and credit card statements, and generating financial statements using QuickBooks.

The webinar Website Building for Small Businesses will be held Sep. 19, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This seminar can help you quickly and efficiently design a website for your business with little technical knowledge.

The webinar Marketing Your Small Business will be held Sep. 27, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This seminar will help you discover marketing tools that will allow you to gain insights for understanding and reaching your customers. It will also explore the components of an effective marketing plan.

The webinar Selling on Shopify will be held Sep. 29, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This seminar will help explain Shopify’s eCommerce software, allowing you to establish your brand online with a custom theme and store.

To register for upcoming virtual seminars or to view a complete listing of the upcoming Small Business Center offerings, visit After registering for a webinar, a link to join the event will be emailed to you.

For information about confidential, one-on-one counseling and resource referrals, contact SBC Director Mark Harden at or call 336-386-3685.

The Small Business Center provides seminars, workshops, resources and counseling to prospective business owners and existing business owners. The SCC Small Business Center has facilities in Mount Airy, Dobson, Elkin, Pilot Mountain, and Yadkinville.

Mount Airy continued its undefeated September campaign by sweeping North Surry on Tuesday.

The Granite Bears led by double digits in all three sets in the rematch from two weeks earlier. Both squads went on 9-0 runs at one point in the match, but only Mount Airy was able to come away with a set victory.

Set scores of 26-24, 25-8 and 25-14 lifted the visiting Bears to their fifth-consecutive win of the season and third-consecutive sweep.

The turning point for Mount Airy’s season was its initial match against North Surry on Aug. 29. North came away with the win in that match 3-0, bumping Mount Airy to a 1-3 overall record.

The Bears (6-3) have not lost a match since.

Mount Airy followed the first North Surry match with back-to-back five-set victories over East Wilkes and South Stokes. The Granite City girls then posted consecutive sweeps over Starmount and North Stokes, which moved them to 4-0 in the Northwest 1A Conference.

North Surry had a chance to win its third straight match on Tuesday. The Greyhounds (5-6) have been up and down in 2022, never winning more than back-to-back matches but also not losing more than two straight.

North also opened conference play after the Aug. 29 match at Mount Airy. The Hounds dropped matches to Wilkes Central and East Surry as they began Foothills 2A Conference competition, but then won consecutive matches over Forbush and West Wilkes.

Mount Airy looked like it would run away with the match early by taking a 23-13 lead in the first set. Kills from Callie Robertson and Haylee Smith cut into Mount Airy’s lead, but a service error from North put the visitors within a point of winning.

What followed was a complete turnaround for the Greyhounds. Smith served the next nine points as North won rally after rally, slowing closing the nearly-10 point gap. Most of the rallies saw multiple exchanges instead of ending quickly.

The teams were tied up 24-24 when a Greyhound attack sailed behind the baseline. Granite Bear senior Kennedy Gwyn put away the next rally with a kill to lift Mount Airy to the 26-24 win.

The Bears carried momentum over to the second set with a 6-0 start. The Hounds responded with kills from Ella Riggs and Aniya Joyce, as well as an ace from Riggs, but then Mount Airy scored 10 of the next 11 points.

Southpaw Alissa Clabo led the Bears’ offense with kill-after-kill set up by Kinlee Reece. North Surry, however, struggled to get its offense going at all and only had two kills in the entire second set. Mount Airy cruised to a 25-8 set victory to go up 2-0.

Neither school could score back-to-back points early in the third set. The teams were tied at every number through six until North went on a 4-0 run beginning with a Sadie Badgett kill. Joyce added a block and a kill as the Hounds rallied behind Smith’s serving, going up 9-6.

Consecutive service errors left North Surry with an 11-8 lead. An attack error by the Hounds put the ball in Morgan Mayfield’s hands, and this served as the final momentum shift of the match.

Mayfield led off with an ace on a run of four-consecutive points in which North Surry failed to return her serve. The Hounds followed with three attack errors, then a Clabo kill capped off the 9-0 run.

Mount Airy closed the third set with a 17-3 run to pick up the sweep.

Both teams continue conference play on Sept. 15. North Surry will travel to Surry Central, and Mount Airy goes on the road to face Elkin.

North Surry is putting everything together on the soccer field as its season progresses.

After suffering one-goal losses on back-to-back days, the Greyhounds regrouped to start conference play with a 1-0 record.

North Surry scored late in the first half of Monday’s match to break a scoreless tie against Wilkes Central. The Greyhounds piled on three more goals in the second half, then withstood an Eagle comeback to clinch the Foothills 2A Conference win 4-2.

“We came out and played very strong like we finished against Elkin,” said Greyhound coach Kevin Shore. “I think it helps our team build confidence, and that’s one thing we need: confidence that we can put the ball in the net, we can make a pass and we can make that first touch. It’s good for them to have some confidence and for them to know that they can play to their potential. That’s our goal.

“The guys played very well tonight and I’m happy for them.”

Shore’s objective for the team has always been to compete in every match, with wins and losses merely being “side effects.” He knew the wins would come with time as long as the team focused on controlling what they could control.

Now, the Greyhounds are seeing the rewards of their hard work manifest.

“We did some film review about 30 minutes before we came to the field. The boys came out and were able to put together some of the things we’ve been telling them, ” Shore said. “It really helped them being able to see what they were doing and what we as coaches were talking about.”

Putting into practice what they had discussed as a team, North Surry came out and battled Wilkes Central in an evenly matched first half. It looked like the match might go into halftime 0-0 before the Hounds were awarded a corner kick in the 38th minute.

Jimmy Burnete sent the corner kick into the 6-yard box where a cluster of Eagle and Greyhound players were waiting. The ball bounced around before making contact with the hand of a Wilkes Central player, giving North Surry a penalty kick in the closing moments of the half.

Junior Edwin Vazquez scored the PK to give North the 1-0 lead and momentum heading into the second half.

Fast-forward to the next half and the Hounds have been awarded another corner kick in the 52nd minute. Emiliano Calderon took the corner, but this time it was punched out of the 18 by the keeper. Defender Hector Hernandez, who was pressed up for the corner, trapped the goalkeeper’s deflection and fired it right back at the goal from 35 yards out. Hernandez’s shot hit the back of the net and doubled the Hounds’ lead.

North found itself celebrating again four minutes later. Oliver Fajardo helped the Greyhounds spark a quick counterattack near midfield with the Eagles’ back line pressed up. Fajardo found Vazquez open in the circle, then Vazquez took down two defenders off the dribble.

Fading to his left, Vazquez launched a shot to the near post and made it 3-0.

Vazquez has scored in six of North Surry’s seven matches this season, with the exception being a shutout loss against Mount Airy. The junior has scored multiple goals in three of those matches.

The Hounds held the 3-0 advantage for another 15 minutes until a miscommunication by the defense allowed the Eagles to get on the board.

Vazquez nearly completed a hat trick in the 76th minute. The forward intercepted a Wilkes Central goal kick and shot just outside the 18 with the keeper charging. His shot was deflected back to him, and instead of firing again Vazquez dished to an open Fajardo to put away the goal.

Wilkes Central added a goal with less than a minute left on the clock, but time expired before the visitors could close the gap any more.

The 4-2 win puts North Surry at 3-4 overall and 1-0 in the FH2A Conference. Playing in the first FH2A match of the season, North Surry sits alone at the top of the table.

The Greyhounds look to continue their winning ways in a conference match against East Surry on Sept. 14. The Hounds then travel to Alleghany for a nonconference match Sept. 15.

Goals: Edgar Vazquez (NS) Penalty Kick 38’ | Hector Hernandez (NS) 52’, Edgar Vazquez (NS) 56’, Wilkes Central No. 12* 70’, Oliver Fajardo (NS) from Edgar Vazquez assist 76’, Wilkes Central No. 12 79’

*Wilkes Central’s roster was not available on MaxPreps

The Mount Airy ABC Board is being expanded by city officials to avoid the kind of situation that occurred earlier this year when the death of a member left the group short-handed.

Unlike some more heavily populated bodies, the Mount Airy ABC Board contains just three members.

When one of those individuals, Dr. Hugh Sutphin, died in July, that left with the group with only two members to deal with board responsibilities.

These include overseeing operations of the city’s lone liquor store on Starlite Road, which opened in 1979.

“I don’t know that a three-member board is a good number to have,” Mayor Ron Niland said earlier this month during a meeting of the Mount Airy Board of Commissioners when a proposal to expand the group was considered.

After discussion, the board gave the nod to pursuing the addition of two more members to the group.

Although it is a volunteer unit, Niland pointed out that the ABC Board has a number of responsibilities including handling significant sums of revenue.

The overall goal of the board is to serve the community responsibly by controlling the sale of spirituous liquor and promoting customer-friendly, modern and efficient stores, as defined by state law. This includes stocking the store, hiring and firing its employees and guiding other functions.

Mayor Niland believes a five-member body would better serve the public interest in those regards.

State law allows a locality to have either a three-member or five-member ABC Board, with City Attorney Hugh Campbell confirming during the Sept. 1 meeting that the commissioners have the authority to expand the group.

City Manager Stan Farmer was instructed to prepare the necessary paperwork for formal consideration at an upcoming meeting. The process also will include suggestions on new members for the expanded ABC Board.

During the last meeting, the commissioners also appointed a replacement for Dr. Sutphin to fill out the remainder of his term.

Dean Hatley was named to serve until Oct. 31, 2023.

The terms for city ABC Board members run for three years, with Sutphin last reappointed in 2020.

Also, the commissioners appointed Tommy Brannock as chairman of that board.

John Sanders presently is the third member of the group, which has staggered terms that expire in alternate years.

Editor’s Note: Community Comment is a periodic column in The Mount Airy News featuring commentary from community leaders in Mount Airy and Surry County. This particular column is part of a monthly series on drug abuse prevention and treatment.

As a parent of a teenager, you may have spoken to your child about illegal substances and their harmful effects. But did you know that legally prescribed medications are also a cause of concern? An alarming number of teenagers are more likely to have abused prescription and over-the-counter drugs than some illegal drugs, such as ecstasy, cocaine, crack, and methamphetamine.

The dangers of prescription medicine abuse include dependence, slower brain activity, irregular heartbeats, dangerously high body temperature, heart failure, or lethal seizures. Prescription drug abuse also increases emergency room visits and suicide attempts. There are a tremendous number of emergency room visits each year, which involve the nonmedical use of prescription drugs.

The easiest way for teens to obtain prescription medicines is from their friends or their parents’ medicine cabinet. It is so common that it could happen even in your house! In fact, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:

Nearly one is four teens (23%) report taking a prescription drug not prescribed to them by a doctor at least once in their lives.

Almost half of teens (47%) say it is easy to get prescription drugs from a parent’s medicine cabinet.

Teens are abusing everything from pain medicines to stimulants, sedatives, and tranquilizers.

Parents can make a difference. Kids who continue to learn about the risks of drugs at home are up to 50 percent less likely to use drugs than those who are not taught about the dangers. Only 22% of teens report discussing the risks of abusing any prescription drug without a doctor’s prescription with their parents. It’s up to you to talk openly with your kids.

Remember, keep it low-key. Don’t worry, you don’t have to get everything across in one talk. Plan to have many short talks. Talk with your child. They really do hear you.

If you, or someone you know, would benefit from learning more about “Talk. They Hear You,” contact Charlotte Reeves, Surry County Office of Substance Abuse Recovery Community Outreach Coordinator, at Visit the website at for more information about substance use disorder and the many resources in Surry County.

• A Mount Airy woman has become the victim of a computer-repair scam, according to city police reports.

The false-pretense case targeting Penny Mooney Pope, a Virginia Street resident, came to light last Friday.

It involved an unknown party using a computer to represent himself or herself as a computer repair service “to deceive the victim with false events” in order to receive money, police records state. The sum scammed from Pope was not disclosed.

• A vehicle was discovered stolen last Tuesday from a business location in the 300 block of East Pine Street, in addition to personal belongings.

Taken were a 2006 Chevrolet Express work van valued at 12,000, listed as white in color. Also stolen were hand tools said to be worth $5,000.

The victims of the theft are listed as The Plumber LLC on Cottage Drive and Joe Dean Brock of that location, who is associated with the business.

• Damage to municipal property was discovered last Tuesday at Tharrington Park on Spring Street, where a suspect drove a vehicle across a grass field and became stuck. This resulted in ditches and vehicle tracks in the open land area involved.

The landscape damage to the city park was put at $150, with the incident listed as still under investigation.

Efforts to redevelop the former Spencer’s textile mill property in downtown Mount Airy are continuing with city officials approving a proposal for the removal of above-ground storage tanks at the site.

Four tanks were targeted in all, which officials said needed to be removed from the outside of a building formerly used by the children’s apparel manufacturer that ceased production in 2007. This led to the city government’s 2014 acquisition of the property, where a hotel is planned as one of the latest steps in the redevelopment process.

The tanks formerly contained such substances as hydrogen peroxide, sodium silicate and acetic acid and possibly more recently minor amounts of fluid and sludge, according to city documents.

Blue Ridge Geological Services Inc., a business based in Trinity which handles such remediation services, submitted the proposal to clean, remove and dispose of the containers. Three were described as steel horizontal tanks 20 feet long and 6 feet in diameter, with the fourth a vertical fiberglass tank 10 feet tall with a diameter also that size.

The company offered to perform those tasks for a total cost of $26,000, which the commissioners approved spending during their last meeting on Sept. 1.

Its work was scheduled to begin within one to three weeks of receiving written authorization from the city to proceed and take two or three days to complete.

Among the planned tasks delegated to Blue Ridge Geological Services were the contacting of a remediation contractor to prepare/submit profiles for the residual waste in the tanks to be removed and mobilizing a vacuum truck and pressure washer to pump out sludge/fluids.

The agreement included mixing and neutralizing the materials to allow them to be transported as non-hazardous waste.

It also specified the cutting and removal of lines to and from the tanks outside the building involved.

Blue Ridge Geological Services further pledged to have a professional geologist on site to oversee and document a portion of the work with notes and photographs, based on the agreement.

Over the weekend Mount Airy joined in with more than 600 communities nationwide in the 2022 Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The Walk is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for care, support and research surrounding Alzheimer’s.

Being properly motivated, it was going to take more than a little rain to stop the crowd Saturday at Riverside Park from doing what they could – one step at a time – in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia.

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s brought out walkers of all ages who assembled on a busy morning in Mount Airy with the Moonshiner’s Reunion happening just a few blocks west from the park, on Independence Boulevard.

Some participants brought the family along with strollers to take the trek along the Ararat River segment of the greenway. To make it a true family affair there were more than a few damp dogs along for the walk, but to a dog almost any walk is a good one.

Smiles on humans, canines, and even a llama or two were found as the walkers assembled, chatted, and waited for instructions to begin.

After the crowd had waved and displayed their colored flowers signifying why or for whom they were participating in the day’s walk, it was time to hit the Granite Greenway. Participants departed from the field where they had been assembled walking down through an assembly of cheerleaders with colorful pom poms who offered encouragement.

Signs along the path urged participants to take photos and share them across social media using the #Walk2EndAlz designation so the photos from Mount Airy could be added to galleries from other such events across the country.

No matter where the walk took place, the recurring message was that there is power found in the colorful flowers being held by participants. All walkers were asked to select a Promise Garden flower and to choose the color that best corresponded to their connection to the disease.

More than just a spot of color on an overcast Saturday morning, the color of the flower was meant to be a key in discerning the reason a walker was there to support the effort.

“The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to ending this disease. Because like flowers, our participants don’t stop when something is in their way. They keep raising funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s and all other dementia,” the association said.

Those who displayed purple flowers were showing they were walking for those who have lost a someone to the disease. The blue flowers represented someone living with Alzheimer’s, or another dementia.

Many yellow flowers were seen representing someone who is supporting or caring for a person living with Alzheimer’s. Orange was used as the catchall for those who support the cause and the Alzheimer’s Association’s vision “of a world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia.”

To much cheering one young woman named Kate held up a single white flower which was the symbol for the first survivor of Alzheimer’s. Kate is the granddaughter of Hope Trumpie who has had her mother, sister, and a friend battle both Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body disease, another form of dementia that also needs public attention and research dollars brought to bear.

The color flower or the motivations for walking aside, the statistics on Alzheimer’s speak volumes to its impact. The Alzheimer’s Association reports there are more than six million Americans living with the disease and 55 million globally. By 2050 that number in the United States is projected to approach 13 million.

Alzheimer’s kills more annually than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined and the association states one in three Americans dies with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia.

In 2022 the organization said the cost of Alzheimer’s on the United States will be $321 billion a year but that number is expected to skyrocket to $1 trillion a year by 2050 as Baby Boomers continue to age.

Funds raised through the Walk to End Alzheimer’s predominantly go back into care, support, research, awareness, and advocacy efforts. The association states 79% of funds will go back into the fight against the disease with 17% supporting further fundraising efforts and just 4% going to the administration of the group.

The association is investing more than $300 million in projects spanning 45 countries to fund research initiatives that will help grow the understanding of the disease and advocate for those living with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

There are more walks to comed with Greensboro, Hickory, Charlotte, Asheville, Raleigh, as well as Salem and Danville, Virginia, all having Alzheimer’s walks in October.

One participant’s motivation to walk may get some other feet moving in future too. Jennifer Johnson said, “I want to help find a cure, so no one ever forgets themselves or their loved ones.”

The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce will present a Business After Hours networking event on Thursday. Hosting the event will be the Business Networking International — Platinum Producers (BNI). The gathering is set for 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Surry County Service Center, 915 E. Atkins St., in Dobson.

Business After Hours is a free networking event, open to all chamber members and prospective members.

“These events are frequently favorited by chamber members because they are free and can present several opportunities to make connections within the business community,” chamber officials said in announcing the event.

Chamber leaders suggest those attending take a healthy number of business cards. Attendees are also asked to consider taking a door prize to present and promote their business.

Those attending are asked to dress in business casual garb. Food and drinks are provided. All going are asked to RSVP at or at the chamber Facebook page @MountAiryChamber or the chamber website at For more information on this event contact the chamber at 336-786-6116.

CLEMSON, S.C. (AP) — New Clemson coordinator Wes Goodwin didn’t expect to face questions about his defensive unit so soon.

But Goodwin has plenty of things to fix after Furman of the Football Championship Subdivision outgained the fifth-ranked Tigers 386-374 in Clemson’s 35-12 win on Saturday. They allowed the Paladins to go 10 of 18 on third downs a week after holding Georgia Tech to 237 yards and 2 of 16 on third-down conversions.

“You’re coming free for a reason,” Goodwin said of Clemson’s rushers continually getting beat on screen plays. “So you’ve got to put on the brakes.”

Goodwin expects a tighter, mentally ready group when Clemson plays Louisiana Tech at home on Saturday night.

The Tigers were largely set loose on Georgia Tech in the opener and contained quarterback Jeff Sims to 164 yards with an interception and two sacks. Tyler Huff, a Presbyterian transfer making his second start for Furman, connected on 31 of 40 passes for 259 yards and a touchdown. He, too, was sacked twice.

“Obviously, we did not play screens and the quick game well at all,” Clemson coach Dabo Swinney said. “Just a poor start. I did not like how we played defensively at all.”

Few had questions about Clemson’s defensive prospects with so many talented, fiery, experienced players returning, like defensive ends K.J. Henry and Myles Murphy, and tackles in Bryan Bresee and Tyler Davis.

However, Davis missed the Furman game as a precaution after Swinney said he was “banged-up” earlier in the week. Goodwin did not know Monday if Davis could play Saturday night against Louisiana Tech.

Another wild card is Bresee, who’s younger sister Ella was honored at Clemson last Saturday in her fight against brain cancer. Bresee went to his family’s home in Maryland following the game when Ella had a setback. Goodwin did not know how long Bresee would be absent.

Tackle Ruke Orhorhoro, who started in place of Davis on Saturday, said the group’s issues were all minor and correctable at practice.

“There (are) just a lot of little mental mistakes, just a lot of fixable stuff,” said Orhorhoro, a fourth-year junior. “Sometimes you need stuff like that to happen so, you know, your strong areas and your weak areas, just little mental stuff that we can fix as a whole.”

Clemson’s defense had its moments against Furman. The Tigers got an interception by linebacker Barrett Carter to end a second-half drive and had a goal-line stand in the fourth quarter to end another Furman drive.

“Just responding to adversity, you want to see your guys rise to the occasion and I thought they did,” said Goodwin, who replaced longtime Clemson coordinator Brent Venables, now Oklahoma’s head coach. “Good to see them show up and respond the right way.”

Cornerback Malcolm Greene is one of two new starters in the secondary this season following the departures of Andrew Booth and Mario Goodrich. Greene said the defense gave up too many quick throws and won’t let that happen again.

“To see a guy wide open in a zone where you know somebody should be on them, it was really rough,” Greene said. “But I know we have guys in the room that love to step up.”

Goodwin has seen his defenders bring a strong focus into each practice since spring and knows they’ll do that this week in preparing for Louisiana Tech of Conference USA. Goodwin was even asked to weigh in on Orhorhoro’s claim that the 6-foot-4, 295-pound defender was the best basketball player on the team.

“I got bigger things to worry about right now than basketball,” Goodwin said with a smile.

Those moonshiners of the days of yore overcame some rough conditions back when — such as zipping down a dirt road with no shoulder in the dead of night with the sheriff on their tail. So, for those rough and tumble sorts the touch of rain over the weekend was nothing at all and certainly no reason to stay away from Mount Airy and the third installment of the Moonshine and Racers’ Reunion.

Along Main Street the racers and modified moonshine running vehicles began to park early in anticipation of a day showing off their cars and swapping stories. Before the opening ceremony there were signs Mother Nature was not going to win any best supporting actress award. The skies were dark, and drizzle gave way at times to heavier rain leading spectators to look for cover where it could be found.

Some of the cars on display were true classics whether the condition of the exterior showed it or not. A few rust patches or peeling paint did not matter at all to the enthusiasts who showed for the Moonshiner and Racers’ Reunion – in fact quite the opposite as they may be seen as a badge of honor for a life well-lived.

With tarps and trash bags covering some of the exposed hoods or interiors it was hard to get a good look at some of the cars on display. More than a few onlookers were seen on one knee or squatting to view an engine obscured by a plastic sheet.

The foot traffic and participation may have been lower than what organizers had hoped for but there was no point in telling that to those on the ground Saturday. For every scrunched up wet face that hid a look that seemingly asked, “What am I doing here in the rain?” was another raucous laugh or hearty greeting as old friends saw one another and reconnected or new connections were made.

This was after all a reunion of like-minded folks, so it was easy to spot who was walking around looking at the ‘shiners and race cars versus those who were there to see, be seen, and swap a story or two.

Along Main Street it did not matter to the kids squealing at the sight of Deputy Barney Fife or to the couple dancing in the rain outside of Uncorked what the agenda for the day was.

Some had no agenda at all as a group of four men stood beneath the awning at North Main Street and Moore Avenue holding court with one another as the onlookers floated quickly by them without a second look. They were locked in a conversation about who knows what – but appeared pleased to be in each other’s company despite the cool temperatures, damp conditions, and the bustle around them.

Thankfully, there was a large tent in the parking lot between Old North State Winery and Brannock & Hiatt that served as the epicenter for the autograph sessions and the Mount Airy Stock Car Racing Wall of Fame inductions, as well as the best refuge spot to escape the rain.

One of the pros on hand was 1983 Winston Series Champion Bobby Allison who entered the NASCAR Hall of Fame in the class of 2011 along with the likes of Lee Petty, Ned Jarrett, and David Pearson. With three Daytona 500 wins among his 84 top series wins, it may be The Fight at the 1979 Daytona 500 for which he will be best remembered.

Over the weekend though the fight was a memory of almost 45 years past. The Winston Cup champion smiled broadly at everyone who approached him for an autograph at one of the many long tables set up under the tent allowing spectators to wind through and get autographs from the world of racing or from the moonshiners in attendance.

A trio of women stood outside the autograph tent and pointed at a brick box like structure rising from the parking lot. As a work crew was seen hard at work on plumbing at the under-construction building, one woman told the others that a new outdoor bathroom was being added to which her friend laughed adding it, “Will be a popular stop this time next year.”

The elements failed in dampening the spirits on the ground but were successful in canceling the evening’s concert. Sons of Bootleg had been set to perform but the organizers felt it was the best move given the weather to cancel the show and got word out early that a change to the schedule had been made.

Organizer Bill Blair was seen making the rounds all day smiling, laughing, and shaking hands. He worked hard to get the event publicized and grow it from the previous year. His efforts were noticed as Richard Eudy, up from Concord, praised the event on social media, “A little bit of rain did not deter me and many others from having a great time. Thank you very much Bill Blair for all your hard work and dedication putting on this awesome show.”

Bryan Nivens also said he had an awesome time in Mount Airy, saying, “Beautiful town and locals are so nice and friendly to all of us.”

Mother Nature did not show up with her best but the people of Mount Airy turned on the charm to welcome back the moonshiners and racers for another successful, albeit wet, reunion. The 2023 Reunion will hopefully have better weather that this year’s event, but Blair and the rest anticipate the event will be even bigger next year.

The North Surry JV and Varsity Cheerleading Squads braved the wet weather Saturday morning to lend a hand at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

The event was held at Riverside Park from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants flooded the park despite less-than-ideal weather to walk on the Ararat River segment of the greenway.

The cheerleaders served as a joyful welcome to greet participants, painted faces and cheered on walkers when starting the route.

JV head coach is Karen Romero, and varsity head coach is Hope Ward.

“It was a great way to get involved in the community and support a great cause,” Ward said. “The girls enjoyed it, and I know we brought the cheer!”

Katie Deal will make her debut performances in Mount Airy during Mayberry Days which kicks off on Monday, Sept. 19. She will perform her one-woman show, “Katie Deal: Crazy for Patsy Cline” on Friday, Sept. 23 at the Andy Griffith Playhouse and “Wildflowers: The Women of Country Music” on Saturday, Sept. 24 at the Historic Earle Theatre.

Deal has performed to sold-out houses across the US and Canada. A Georgia-born artist, she is best known for her authentic country sound. She is the 2016 recipient of the Georgia Country Artist of the Year Award and a member of the Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame.

With a new take on nostalgia, “Crazy for Patsy Cline” features a live Nashville band. Taking the audience from Patsy Cline’s early music to her jazz club days, “Crazy for Patsy Cline” is a unique concert version of the songs and stories of Cline told from the experiences of country singer Deal.

“With all the songs you know and love, ‘Crazy for Patsy Cline’ delivers an evening of unparalleled entertainment and a walk down memory lane,” officials with Surry Arts Council said of the upcoming show.

Deal takes the stage with her one-woman concert, “Wildflowers: The Women of Country Music,” featuring her rockin’ Nashville band. This original tribute honors legends such as Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette, Reba McEntire, Crystal Gayle, Shania Twain, Kitty Wells, and others. Join Deal as she performs groundbreaking hits such as “It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels,” “9 to 5,” “Harper Valley PTA,” and “Stand By Your Man.”

“Katie Deal: Crazy for Patsy Cline” takes place on Friday, Sept. 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Andy Griffith Playhouse. Tickets are $45. “Wildflowers: The Women of Country Music” starring Katie Deal will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Historic Earle Theatre. Tickets are $40 for balcony and $45 for orchestra. Tickets for both shows are available online at, via phone at 336-786-7998, or at the Surry Arts Council office at 218 Rockford Street. For additional information, contact Marianna Juliana at 336-786-7998 or

When was the last time you ordered something off Amazon? Was it practical or fun?

For years the online shop platform has dominated the shopping scene, offering discounted items and cheaper or free shipping to the masses. Customers can practically buy anything and everything their hearts desire with a click of a button. For many people around the world, this is the best way to shop, there is no need to drive to a store, encounter crowds, or feel pressured to complete your shopping in a single session.

While Amazon’s rise to fame is a relatively new phenomenon, it wasn’t the first shopping experience of its kind. Sears, Roebuck and Company offered anything and everything people needed or wanted in everyday life. Substantial catalogs were delivered straight to customers’ doors simply waiting to be opened.

The company started in the late 1880s with a man named Richard W. Sears, who sold gold watches for $14 a piece out of a mail order catalog. After finding the mail-order business so successful, he partnered with Alvah C. Roebuck and Julius Rosenwald to create the monolith of a book that sold everything from wheelbarrows to houses.

The Rural Free Delivery Act of 1896 and the rise of disposable income created a rise in rural consumerism. Items could now be delivered straight to families outside of city or town limits. For many Americans, these large catalogs allowed them to view a different culture, that may have been different from their own. Not only did the company advertise singular items, but they also offered choices. Customers could choose colors, styles, and makes that differed from their neighbors, allowing individuality to also reign true in buying choices.

As the company continued to grow so did its customer service, by the turn of the century the company boasted “Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back,” saying that “every article in this catalog is honestly described and illustrated.”

Richard Sears himself wrote all the copy for the catalog until his retirement in 1908. In 1906 a three-million-square-foot distribution warehouse was built in Chicago, helping to organize and distribute the majority of its wares. In 1908 the company began to sell house kits of prefabricated supplies, with explicit instructions on how to set them up.

With the rise of automobiles, the company saw itself changing once again. The first Sears brick-and-mortar store opened in 1925, and the company launched Allstate Insurance in 1931. It wasn’t until the late 1970s and early 1980s that the company was challenged as the forerunner in retail experiences. The famed catalog continued until 1993 when the company leadership decided to switch its priorities to match the changing times of the world.

For years the Sears and Roebuck catalog brought the world to everyday people. Through the seasons, especially Christmas, the catalog allowed people to dream and hope for the extra things in life. Here in the Hollows and surrounding counties catalogs such as Sears provided a new way of reaching necessary and some unnecessary products.

Some of the older catalogs are hard to come by, seeing as most people used the valuable paper for other things as new catalogs came in. Cracking open one of these catalogs is a step back in time and while we just have a few pictures here, and the Library of Congress websites have multiple uploads that can help paint a better picture of all the catalog had to offer.

Emily Morgan is the guest services manager at the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History. She and her family live in Westfield. She can be reached at or by calling 336-786-4478 x229

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